Author Topic: brickadia devs stop grooming challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]  (Read 19317 times)

I think one of the funniest things about internet culture is the presumption that you are entitled to be allowed in some community. nobody has to explain to you why you got banned or even have a good reason. maybe they just don't like your ass. can you imagine if you kept trying to hang out with a group of people in real life but you were really annoying and they stopped inviting you to stuff and you demanded an explanation
I mean, if i suddenly got kicked out of a friend group, i'd like to know why

Not that i'm entitled to such information, but it'd be nice to not be left hanging, unsure of what i did wrong

you also don't have a right to be in the brickadia discord.
Maybe if that's the only way to talk to and/or get support from the community, but i'm not sure if that's actually the case

banning someone from the game merely for being annoying would be too far but discord access isn't part of that deal. also as of today nobody has ever paid for brickadia anyway. so
True, not sure where Ultimamax got that idea from then :iceCream:

I think one of the funniest things about internet culture is the presumption that you are entitled to be allowed in some community. nobody has to explain to you why you got banned or even have a good reason. maybe they just don't like your ass. can you imagine if you kept trying to hang out with a group of people in real life but you were really annoying and they stopped inviting you to stuff and you demanded an explanation

Double it and give it to the global communication arena

Double it and give it to the global communication arena
don't tell me you use tiktok

Instagram is just downstream tiktok now

why would i make a tiktok when i can look at instagram reels of tiktoks that were funny 3 months ago?

Double it and let him cook to the next ohio

Did they give you a reason for the ban? Or any message whatsoever?
nope which was funny

I think one of the funniest things about internet culture is the presumption that you are entitled to be allowed in some community. nobody has to explain to you why you got banned or even have a good reason. maybe they just don't like your ass. can you imagine if you kept trying to hang out with a group of people in real life but you were really annoying and they stopped inviting you to stuff and you demanded an explanation
holy forget bro i see why barely anyone likes you around here. all you do is spam brickadia bootlicking garbage and cry half the time. i did not imply once that i was "entitled" to be in a loving discord server nor did i ask for any explanation why. all i did was speculate. i didn't even message the mods about it and most likely wont yet here you are with this moral lecturing ass explanation that sounds like it came straight out the mouth of a reddit neckbeard. bonus points for glossing over my story about me being groomed because you know you are in bed with the same people that will repeat the cycle of luring children loveually on lego games for decades to come. go cry about "internet culture" some more. suck my teet

holy forget bro i see why barely anyone likes you around here.
oh no your friends on a dying internet forum don't like me :(
i did not imply once that i was "entitled" to be in a loving discord server
uh huh. anyway
bonus points for glossing over my story about me being groomed because you know you are in bed with the same people that will repeat the cycle of luring children loveually on lego games for decades to come. go cry about "internet culture" some more. suck my teet
idk how many times I gotta say this but I don't have anything to do with brickadia. I do not know these people yall obsess over and I don't care about their reputations. the way yall come on here and post this stuff over and over again for literally years on end is pathetic. it's yesterday's news. you're not spreading awareness you just don't know how to move on when something doesn't go the way you expected. the game didn't topple over and crumble into dust when you posted a drama thread on the blf and now it consumes your entire personality
AND you paid chris hansen $95 to plug his streaming series to instagram wine moms

sorry didnt mean to be rude

hit the gym fatass
a lil fruity to worry over another guy's physique. but I'll do it for you big bro

a lil fruity to worry over another guy's physique. but I'll do it for you big bro

he said hit the gym not hit the roids

That's actually achievable natty you just have to eat raw bull testicles

he said hit the gym not hit the roids
Synthol injections are actually epic based the winged hussars were all synthol guys