Lots of stuff to read through. Never realized what dark stuff was going on behind the scenes, and it’s crazy to see the names of people I remember when I frequented this place much more. I can see the end is approaching, if it hasn’t already come already. Surprised the forums are still up.
Been here since ‘08 when I was stuck playing the demo on GSF’s maps. Finally scraped twenty bucks together in middle school and bought the game and what a blast it was to finally play and be a part of the community. Then stupid me and my friends wanted to troll the forums and I posted gay research on a goddamn faux-Lego forum with kids, got banned, and had to get a new key. What a dumb kid I was.
I’m almost 27 now and I still come check in from time to time. I’m not exactly sure why. Maybe because it’s the first community I was really part of. I glanced at some people’s stories here and I can heavily relate to their childhoods, and experience being here. Maybe I hope to recognize some old friends, or see something new with the game and people I sort of grew up with. It’s a strange thing. Being part of something like this before the big social media boom.
Now we’re all grown up, and sooner or later we’re gonna stop coming here. Or maybe there won’t even be a “here” to come to anymore.
I haven’t really delved into the sick drama, other than a couple posts which mention some names. First thing that popped into my head was that supposedly Bisjac would babysit Badspot’s kids, that they knew each other in real life. Hopefully it was nothing more than that.
It’s always a lot of catching up to do every time I pop back in here. I hope all of you grew up into great people, and are happy in life. I hope those of us that weren’t fortunate enough to make it this far rest in peace. Maybe I’ll see some of you in Brickadia if I ever get around to trying it out. Maybe we’ll never see each other ever again. Regardless I’ll always look back fondly on the good times I had with you guys.