I haven't posted here in god knows how long, probably 6 years or so? I remember spending most of my summers as a teenager lurking, stuffposting & probably being an starfish since that's what everyone did. I decided I'd see what's going on & I'm surprised this place is as desolate as it is, though I guess most people grew out of it since the game's dead as forget & most of the starfishs & freaks took themselves to Kiwifarms.
Seeing how Blockland turned out made me sad, especially after the almighty Steam release that should've marked a new beginning for it. Can't really be shocked at how wrong I was considering how this game's community & badspot acted at the time though. I'll cherish the fun moments I had in-game & remember the laughs this forum gave me sometimes, but moving on to greener pastures & getting my ass away from this cesspool (at the time) years ago was probably my greatest decision. I was a complete & utter handicap as a teenager & I'm glad I've mellowed out since then.
The amount of disgusting creeps that inhabited this forum doesn't surprise me either, considering the amount of teenagers (myself included) that frequented this forum years ago. Strange to think calling those people out was considered taboo at the time, but I guess it's to be expected when being horrendously unfunny & edgy took priority over everything else. Badspot not dealing with them also doesn't surprise me, considering his occupation in drawing & animating research for the last decade or so. Probably makes him more money than this game ever did.
I hope you few remaining folks are doing well, seeing as this place is effectively on it's deathbed & what not.