at the risk of getting flamed, i would like to share something that i feel summarizes the entirety of BLF
I've been on here since I was like, 13, around there. For anyone who doesn't know, I'm a girl (I guess....a woman now?) and when I look back on many of the interactions I had on the forums, sometimes I feel resentful because in retrospect there was definitely a lot of bad stuff that happened and at the time it affected me a lot. Since bisjac has already been mentioned, I'll mention his name but there were others (especially a girlfriend of his) that were treating a teenage girl in a way that problematic and at times probably qualified as legit harassment.
im 25 now and a year or so ago, i received a message on my blf account after logging in for the first time in a long time. the person who sent this message said that i had made their life miserable and loveually harassed them and that they should take legal action but wouldn't if I apologized. it was a long message and it accused me of things that did not make sense to me at the present day. i was horrified and even though i remember interacting with this person, i was so caught off guard by the things they said. this person was legitimately hurt by my actions, enough so that they reached out to me 10 years later to remind me of it. i was 14 or 15 when i was interacting with this person so their accusations of me having malicious intent to hurt a child seemed crazy to me. the message almost seemed like a message I could have sent to 50 people on this forum if i were doing what this person was.
the point im trying to make is that we all did stupid stuff and look back and cringe and hope to never reckon with any of our actions back then. but even those of us who feel like we were kind people, one of the "good ones" probably hurt someone else at some point, even if we didn't intend to. and even if we've forgotten it, many of the people we have hurt haven't. this whole forum sort of became its own entity and inevitably affected the blockland community as a whole, people who still played the game and those who didn't.
this post is not in any way meant to excuse the behavior of anyone, and there were definitely evil people on here. but i just feel that none of us should be quick to exclude ourselves from the "bad" part of the community completely. i just hope we are all trying to do better than we were back then i guess