Author Topic: blockland: the community that killed the game  (Read 102487 times)

you seem like someone who doesn't pass the sally-anne test
The fact I can pull away you're calling me autistic probably proves I pass more than you do.
you have a very fragile ego
And you clearly don't know liz

i figured you were someone who messed with me a little bit, which is why I chose to reply and try to take a bit of guilt off your shoulders, i should have replied sooner :p

i am actually doing pretty well, only really dealing with normal "adult stress" nowadays like bills and stuff

I only harbor negative feelings towards a very small handful of people on here, and the people who just trolled me aren't included in that, i forgive them and you cause that's just what we did back then

also i vaguely recognize your avatar, if you're the guy i'm thinking of, you might've got my first account deleted cause i implied you and the guy who had this account were gay (and it was my 5th ban) which is kind of hilarious to me nowadays XD

don't even worry about it, we were all dumb ass kids on here and i look back on it as the "trololololo days"

i hope you're doing great as well  :cookie:
if it helps I'm actually trans so you kinda hit the nail

is there something personal going on here you'd like to share with the room soukuw

is there something personal going on here you'd like to share with the room soukuw
i want context for soukuw apparently being followed??

if it helps I'm actually trans so you kinda hit the nail
lol that's actually pretty interesting cause i'm not trans necessarily but i kind of went through a gender identity rollercoaster myself

I used to have some really toxic mindsets as a kid, but i would go to anime club and cosplay as male characters, which kind of made me feel confused about myself

In high school it actually got to a point where i was trying to transition FtM, but that did not really feel right either so i kind of linger between male and female nowadays (which is easy because if you remember the whole "lizzy is hairy as forget" thing i actually am super hairy because I have a hormonal imbalance XD)

i'm not sure if you'd call it genderfluid, non-binary, or genderqueer or what have you. it's weird but some days i wake up feeling comfortable being a girl but other times i want to be a guy, so I just cross-dress. i'm also not sure if i am just a cis-gendered who cross-dresses, but i no longer feel the need to label it

Luckily my current partner is really supportive of my identity and helps me to express myself, a lot of people in my past couldn't accept me for who i was which is probably what led to the confusion in my youth

is there something personal going on here you'd like to share with the room soukuw

i want context for soukuw apparently being followed??

as a 13 year old i was a lil drama starting bitch :cookieMonster: i created lots of friendships, had falling outs, dated people, broke hearts, burned bridges, etc... and a lot of people here have been scorned by me

but now as a 25 year old person, I couldn't care less about drama i had in the past. i've been dating the same guy for roughly 8 years now, we've been married for at least 5, i've practically forgotten a majority of friends i had or people i might have dated

however there is context behind the post I made 2 years ago: i like went the forget off on here, mainly because i was called crippled a lot (which i no longer care about as i get older) and felt kind of taken advantage of (these are the people i will never forgive).

over time i kind of separated the ones who hurt me immensely from the ones who only hurt me on a small scale, and that's why i give forgiveness to some people.

i have no shame in showing my emotions so i never really tried to cover it up. i was angry at a handful of people, but got over it, made my peace and moved on

anyone who knows me knows i struggle with mental problems anyway, i will admit i'm nuts, but i got help for that and who i am today just kind of laughs at who i was back then... so I've been revisiting this place for mad nostalgia :p
« Last Edit: August 13, 2023, 05:12:16 PM by Alyx Vance »

i want context for soukuw apparently being followed??
Alright since I kinda have to explain my schizo. I used to be good friends with liz until I started hanging out with another person IRL. This was a problem for them (Which I find extremely unfair) and we stopped talking. The issue I have is that when I tried to reach out after all this they told me to forget off and told me I was a horrible person and to never contact them... then started posting not long after I started posting here again. I know this was coincidence but was annoying to me at the time and thus the post.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2023, 01:48:42 AM by Soukuw »

Alright since I kinda have to explain my schizo. I used to be good friends with liz until I started hanging out with another person IRL. This was a problem for them (Which I find extremely unfair) and we stopped talking. The issue I have is that when I tried to reach out after all this they told me to forget off and told me I was a horrible person and to never contact them... then started posting not long after I started posting here again. I know this was coincidence but was annoying to me at the time and thus the post.
Why do you care?

Why do you care?
Damn fine question.

Peavy speaking :
Soukuw is full of stuff. He was a complete richard to her

When she left him for me after a long time of mistreatment, from there began the saga of Soukuw's rage. He has always hated me due to the bandwagon of "southerners bad" or whatever. When he discovered that we were together he lost his mind.

He kept trying to harass her into playing blockland. He joined my server and demanded to be in a Skype call because he couldn't handle us enjoying time together.
From there a series of events took place to where he lost his mind and kept telling the server "HE STOLE MY loving GIRLFRIEND" as if anyone cared or knew what the forget he's going on about.

Why do you care?
Literally read the topic. I said it was gross she's playing up the victim card so much.
Damn fine question.

Peavy speaking :
Soukuw is full of stuff. He was a complete richard to her

When she left him for me after a long time of mistreatment, from there began the saga of Soukuw's rage. He has always hated me due to the bandwagon of "southerners bad" or whatever. When he discovered that we were together he lost his mind.

He kept trying to harass her into playing blockland. He joined my server and demanded to be in a Skype call because he couldn't handle us enjoying time together.
From there a series of events took place to where he lost his mind and kept telling the server "HE STOLE MY loving GIRLFRIEND" as if anyone cared or knew what the forget he's going on about.
First of all I'm happy for you guys, I told her I didn't want to date her so I really don't know about the whole skype thing. Might have happened but I know for a fact we weren't using skype anymore when we stopped talking and I hadn't interacted with you in a long time.

Liz wanted to date me and I kept saying no/yes because of it being a long distance relationship. This was also a huge problem since she slept with three different people on and off throughout our friendship and being a virgin this felt like stuff and felt unfair as hell. I wanted to lose my virginity, cuddle and hang out with someone too. I ended up meeting someone and when I started hanging out with them me and Liz stopped talking shortly after. When I tried to reach out she told me I was a piece of stuff and tried to make me feel like it was all my fault, I was an starfish but holy stuff it was a two way street.

I don't really know you at all btw peavy, I really don't hate you and never hated you because you were a "southerner" I thought you were a loving handicap for not only breaking into someones house but then proceeding to brag about it on a forum.

Edit: Again though, glad you guys are happy. I don't remember exactly when I learned you guys were together but I remember thinking that it was cool.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2023, 04:54:30 PM by Soukuw »

i cant keep doing this man, i was gonna ignore this but you are making yourself look pathetic, literally fighting with your ex (from 8-9 years ago) over teenage drama, in a Lego block game... so please stop for your own sake. as much as i'm annoyed i am starting to actually feel bad.

i'll be completely honest: our relationship was a mess, we were both young and both crazy.

we were still teenagers when all of this took place. you had too many problems in your life you needed to fix. i also had my own problems.

i probably was unfair to you because a 15 year old girl is not an expert on handling serious relationship... of course i was hypocritical, drama starting, attention seeker. i'm sorry for the way i was. im sorry i mishandled our relationship ending as well as doing and saying things that hurt you.

there's so much stuff that happened between us which lead to me calling you a piece of stuff, but i've let that go... because that's in the past, you really need to do the same. you really shouldn't care what stupid stuff i did 8 years ago, dont you think I would've grown and changed by now?

yes you were included in my many tirades, but i'm done being that way, even that was like 2 years ago.

why do you think i refuse to share unflattering details about you? maybe me and peavy don't want to keep hating you

you did a lot things that hurt me, but you also tried to apologize, so i forgive you now. i acknowledge i was a crazy bitch, so i am sorry.

You also shown respect to my partner, which i appreciate.

just chill the forget out and let it go so we can all co-exist and enjoy the last few years of this forum.

i cant keep doing this man, i was gonna ignore this but you are making yourself look pathetic, literally fighting with your ex (from 8-9 years ago) over teenage drama, in a Lego block game... so please stop for your own sake. as much as i'm annoyed i am starting to actually feel bad.

i'll be completely honest: our relationship was a mess, we were both young and both crazy.

we were still teenagers when all of this took place. you had too many problems in your life you needed to fix. i also had my own problems.

i probably was unfair to you because a 15 year old girl is not an expert on handling serious relationship... of course i was hypocritical, drama starting, attention seeker. i'm sorry for the way i was. im sorry i mishandled our relationship ending as well as doing and saying things that hurt you.

there's so much stuff that happened between us which lead to me calling you a piece of stuff, but i've let that go... because that's in the past, you really need to do the same. you really shouldn't care what stupid stuff i did 8 years ago, dont you think I would've grown and changed by now?

yes you were included in my many tirades, but i'm done being that way, even that was like 2 years ago.

why do you think i refuse to share unflattering details about you? maybe me and peavy don't want to keep hating you

you did a lot things that hurt me, but you also tried to apologize, so i forgive you now. i acknowledge i was a crazy bitch, so i am sorry.

You also shown respect to my partner, which i appreciate.

just chill the forget out and let it go so we can all co-exist and enjoy the last few years of this forum.
First of all, you were not 13, you were not 15 you were 17-18 when we last talked. Last time we talked was a short while after June 2015. Then I reached out a few years later.

At this point I'm just defending myself, all I did was call you out for playing victim. Again glad you guys are good, I won't continue past this.

First of all, you were not 13, you were not 15 you were 17-18 when we last talked. Last time we talked was a short while after June 2015. Then I reached out a few years later.

At this point I'm just defending myself, all I did was call you out for playing victim. Again glad you guys are good, I won't continue past this.

lol no, i meant i was like 13 when i started using the forums (when i was speaking to Khaz)

I'm pretty sure i was like 15 when we first got together and there was a period of time we didn't talk, i had just turned 16 when i first got with Peavy, which means you are probably right about me being 17-18 when you reached you the last time (on deviantArt iirc). sorry for the confusion.

also i didn't mean to come off as a victim, i was clearing up something between me and Pixel, you may not have context for it, but it was getting my first account(lizzyrascal) banned in like 2011 lmao

you're fine for wanting to defend yourself as i originally lumped you and everyone else into one group
like i said we can just co-exist because it's really sad the forums are as dead as they are. glad we could clear some of that up

Literally read the topic. I said it was gross she's playing up the victim card so much.
Between the crying about some e-girl you spoke to years ago, and said e-girl posting on a stolen boomer account that is larping as multiple people, I'd say you two were meant for eachother. You may now kiss the bride.