Author Topic: Blockland Publicity Idea  (Read 2243 times)

guys, lets teach a DOG to play blockland, then teach it to say, "blockland is freaking awesome", then put it on tiktok!

this will work no doubt and the game will be alive again

please give feedback on how this idea can be improved

change the dog for a crocodile and give it sunglasses

just do /dogme and play the game smh

« Last Edit: January 25, 2023, 07:39:31 PM by Tea »

just do /dogme and play the game smh
clearing some ancient dust and cobwebs from my brain seeing that command again

This would be an ebin joke had we already not had high profile mass shootings, got namedropped iirc, and yet we still hardly got any publicity out of it.

Unrelated but I had no idea you were Bartender. That's a name I haven't seen in a long while.

Unrelated but I had no idea you were Bartender. That's a name I haven't seen in a long while.
Better add me to the loving "Players who vanished into the ether thread" or whatever

Better add me to the loving "Players who vanished into the ether thread" or whatever
If I have to die in obscurity in internet lego history, you do too.