Author Topic: Interspace - Space Sandbox Game Project  (Read 8132 times)

What is Interspace?
Interspace is a 2.5d space themed action platformer game projected centered around survival. Currently it's early in progress, so I am posting a thread about it so that there may be a public outlet for things such as spoilers.

What do you have planned for the future?
The plans for the next dev cycle are always available in the last pinned update in the discord, or the game's tumblr devblog.

The most recent updates, spoilers and info are always available in the discord.
Devblog of 2/5/2023 - Engine and Boilerplate

im confused; are you the developer or just a fan?

I think the name could be better. otherwise looks neat if rather similar to terraria and starbound. but I think starbound was underrated. so maybe that's ok. also one more thing I don't think 2.5d means 2d with layers

🤓you'll see
don't really like comparisons to starbound and this is literally like the first month of development where i've established all the engine stuff; next month's update will literally allow you to go into the foreground and background as a gameplay mechanic which is why it's 2.5d. sort of need to work on vfx to stop the starbound comparisons ig.

forgot to post this with the OP, so here's a track i made for it ig:
« Last Edit: February 06, 2023, 11:54:42 AM by Unova2 »

don't really like comparisons to starbound ... sort of need to work on vfx to stop the starbound comparisons ig.
well no offense but it looks like terraria in space with aliens which is what starbound is. I'm not sure what you could change that would rectify that. even if the gameplay is ultimately dramatically different (which doesn't sound like the case) it will still look like it
and to reiterate this isn't an insult of any kind. I liked starbound and there is a reason that the aesthetic of both it and terraria was so popular
« Last Edit: February 06, 2023, 12:11:41 PM by Foxscotch »

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's early right now but if i make it look and play dramatically differently and people still make the comparison i can just call them stupid which is the goal

and to reiterate this isn't an insult of any kind. I liked starbound and there is a reason that the aesthetic of both it and terraria was so popular
i still don't like the comparison and you dismissed like the entire game already in it's literal first 28 days of progress by saying you think it's unoriginal and will continue to be so
even if the gameplay is ultimately dramatically different (which doesn't sound like the case) it will still look like it
sorta unsure how to respond to this or interpret it otherwise; will hold off on responding further until i have every prerequisite to disprove this in place ig.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2023, 12:44:35 PM by Unova2 »

This project looks really awesome! While Im not personally into 2d games at the moment, the spritework looks really good. I am excited to see where this goes.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's early right now but if i make it look and play dramatically differently and people still make the comparison i can just call them stupid which is the goal
if you are gonna have this attitude as a dev i dont imagine a bright future for this game lol

spritework does look nice though, if not a lil too messy, is this a one man project

i still don't like the comparison and you dismissed like the entire game already in it's literal first 28 days of progress by saying you think it's unoriginal and will continue to be so
sorta unsure how to respond to this or interpret it otherwise; will hold off on responding further until i have every prerequisite to disprove this in place ig.
my response to your response did have an attitude to it that I don't think u deserved so that's my bad. your takeaway from my post should be that I think it looks interesting and I want to see where it goes. I failed to communicate that because I sandwiched the (diminished as it was) compliment with negativity because this is the blockland forum and I am not accustomed to being nice on here but that's stupid so I am sorry for that!!! the art looks good and whether there is a familiarity to terraria or any terraria-inspired games doesn't really matter

I do think you should be prepared for starbound comments because you're going to get them one way or another. such is the nature of art and media consumption. you're going to have to find some way to keep that from getting you down

the song is pretty cool also. the drums feel a bit loud compared to everything else, but I imagine that's easily modified if it's not the intended outcome

my response to your response did have an attitude to it that I don't think u deserved so that's my bad. your takeaway from my post should be that I think it looks interesting and I want to see where it goes. I failed to communicate that because I sandwiched the (diminished as it was) compliment with negativity because this is the blockland forum and I am not accustomed to being nice on here but that's stupid so I am sorry for that!!! the art looks good and whether there is a familiarity to terraria or any terraria-inspired games doesn't really matter
my bad; sorta get irritated by the comparison since everything from the first concept art of the game to the music got compared to it. i can alleviate the blow sort of with gameplay and vfx, but most of the issue is that it's a 2d sandbox game with alien oc races so i can't really do much in regard to that
i spoke to another developer friend of mine who's developing another tile based 2d platformer and they get the comparisons too, so there's no winning here. it's been used a lot negatively and is the first and only thing i get from most people at this point when i show them any visual part of the game. i suppose i should just not let it get to me like you said and continue developing until it only becomes a positive, ig

concept art that got compared being uhhh

the song is pretty cool also. the drums feel a bit loud compared to everything else, but I imagine that's easily modified if it's not the intended outcome
easily modified, but i don't have mixing equipment so it'll take some feedback to get everything up to scratch with my like $5 sony headphones; i've had this issue with a few other things, like the wip main menu song which is mixed absolutely horrendously but sounds good enough on my end

thas all ill say ill be respectful