Author Topic: Server attacked, lost everything. Hosters beware?  (Read 18048 times)

How does he even have the energy to hate an obscure and half-dead lego game? It's just... Sad. I don't get how people have enough emotional stamina to hold such strongly held negativity against something for years at time, all of that anger just burns a hole in you.

note that that message is nearly a year old. he joined tekaris server and was spamming in general prior to exploiting/helping others exploit the backdoor, so i doubt he hates blockland as much as it sounds in that message.

i cant believe aebaadcode would do this... :/

why would somebody go through all the effort of making an exploit like that on:

1. a game with a playercount of
2. go through the effort coding a language that only one game uses.

why would somebody go through all the effort of making an exploit like that on:

1. a game with a playercount of
2. go through the effort coding a language that only one game uses.

why would somebody go through all the effort of making an exploit like that on:

1. a game with a playercount of
2. go through the effort coding a language that only one game uses.
it's a rudimentary backdoor that involves more social engineering than anything. torqueScript isn't exactly a difficult language to learn either... it's vaguely comparable to a dynamically typed C++ so most of it's characteristics are familiar conceptually with maybe some words and symbols changed around (defining variables, datablock instead of struct..)

I have 0 respect for any scum that hides backdoor code in their add-ons. it's unfortunate this happened to you.

shoerp is the only roleplay script without a backdoor

shoerp is the only roleplay script without a backdoor
Big if true.

shoerp is the only roleplay script without a backdoor
rape mod

rape mod
can't you enter someone's backdoor as part of the mod?