Author Topic: So I've been cancelled on twitch with my Blockland history. Warning TLDR  (Read 52140 times)

Honestly, it ending with a bunch of known forum trolls all duking it out for the better part of a day while I watched was probably the best way It could have ended, at least for me.
Im sick of being called a troll

why is this whole thread just four people ragging on tony for stuff he said 5+ years ago it makes it look like you're the ones that made the twitlonger
all the screenshots are from 2016 or earlier
"i apologize" is functionally the same as "i'm sorry"

the BLF is like the stuffty extended family that starts a screaming match at thanksgiving
at least tony has the guts to directly say he's not tribal or sensible

Who gives a forget who made the twitlonger? Tony can’t turn over a rock in a forest without finding an enemy he made by choice. If he didn’t want to get ragged on for stuff he said 5 years ago he probably shouldn’t be doubling down on all of it.

Saying one thing and then immediately going back on it because you didn’t get your richard sucked for planting flags on bare minimum moral positions doesn’t say “guts” to me. It would take guts to admit he’s forgeted in the head instead of trying to pretend it was all just a prank bro

You've been hating me since 2010.

I don't even know who you are, you need to let go. These 13 year grudges are not healthy.

Sir you've literally admitted to trolling non stop for 15 years

Yeah the alias stuff is insane. I've never watched Tony but I figured he was just owning it the whole time. I just got done watching some child enthusiast TF2 troll drop his guts all over the internet thanks to the same blunder. Must be a narcissist thing.
was this Mechawreck?

how do you "not escape" the blockland community. there's like 15 people here.

IMO tony is trying to farm hate watchers a common cuck twitch streamer tactic. He's just trying to drum up more attention as always.

Honestly the biggest offense is that you're playing DBD so much- I gave that game multiple chances and thought it was ass every time

why is this whole thread just four people ragging on tony for stuff he said 5+ years ago it makes it look like you're the ones that made the twitlonger
all the screenshots are from 2016 or earlier
"i apologize" is functionally the same as "i'm sorry"

the BLF is like the stuffty extended family that starts a screaming match at thanksgiving
at least tony has the guts to directly say he's not tribal or sensible
Crook/Rally isn't wrong but dunking on Tony is kinda pointless after all this time

Honestly the biggest offense is that you're playing DBD so much- I gave that game multiple chances and thought it was ass every time
DBD has always gave me a 'fandom' weird feel, kinda ironic. Never played it though.
Crook/Rally isn't wrong but dunking on Tony is kinda pointless after all this time
LTs entire persona is letting people dunk on him. dude is the biggest slurper ever. He acts handicapped just like a slut, he wants us to make fun of him he wants us to diminish him. He wants more and more and more shame anything he can do to be looked at even a glance.

you were calling me a friend on bl servers when i was 12

you are ten years older than i am

Just thought I'd make one quick point then I'm outta here.

I grew up in the 90s and back in the 90s when we used that word we used it to describe someone being stupid and annoying. So if I ever called you that it was because you were loving stupid and annoying.

I have never once used that word as a slur for gay people.

It is people like you that turned it back into a slur to insult gays.

This is giving Ports reply in his creep thread........

youre not a victim dude, like literally on the FIRST page of this thread someone basically said the same and your reply was that your cancelling was unwarranted because... you didnt PERSONALLY attack them? you treated everyone like stuff for way wayyyy too long like its one thing to grow out of it but its another to troll everyone you have ever interacted with until it personally affects you and then suddenly you have an epiphany.... thats not an epiphany its ego

Go back a few pages I literally said I'm not a victim.

Go back a few pages I literally said I'm not a victim.
saying something doesnt make it true. its like expecting to say "im sorry" and the world moves on. your actions and the way you are responding to everyone clearly show you think of yourself as a victim...

i just read that tweet too and wow, ill give you one thing tony im convinced you arent tribal. im not sure you are or arent anything because reading that and then reading your two threads has made it evident that you arent really anything more than whatever gets you attention. all that effort trolling and being nasty and manipulating your way to wherever you are atm all to be a blip on the internet major yikes and Im sorry for whatever home life brought you to that place

I'm not a victim it's just very important that you guys know my exposers used asymmetrical internet guerilla terrorism to subvert me by not concealing the entire matter in private for my personal benefit

I don't buy the genius troll gag. This is how children machinate