Author Topic: An open letter to Badspot: Blockland 2.0  (Read 3374 times)


You created a game where many of us generated unwavering childhood memories. Whether it was resorting to Blockland in bad times for escapism or simply playing with a sibling/friend and having the time of your life. Blockland was THAT game where you could build anything. I'd go as far to say that it was better than both Roblox and Minecraft at its time.

It seems clear that you are now focused on other things - which happens in life. I started playing Blockland when I was like 8 years old - I'm now 23 and going to be 24 in May. But with that clarity of abandonment, it seems as though former fellow Blockland gamers and joined up to create 'Brickadia' - a spiritual successor to Blockland - which was your very own idea in its instance.

The concept of a game where you can build lego is simplistic and in of itself not extremely enjoyable. What made Blockland iconic wasn't only the 'realistic' maps such as Bedroom, but also the fact you could make bricks 'do stuff'. For example, I used to be great friends with a Blocklander known as 'Allun Pentax' or 'APX', we used to make a lot of 'concerts' using events to program light shows whilst streaming music. We used to do this in the theme of 'deadmau5', 'Skrillex', all the popular artists at the time - I was known as Grief3r with BLID 13371. A BLID I used to be praised for as a result of leetspeak.

Furthermore, I used to frequently play this game as a demo with my brother at my nans house (my nan sadly passed in 2015) - this was a highlight of my childhood. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for the memories I was able to make playing this game.

As you can see, whilst realising I'm shedding a tear writing this 'open letter' - this game is very special and rare; seldom seen as they say.

But as its original creator, I wholeheartedly believe you, and only you hold the secrets as to what makes this game such a special and unique product. This is why I write this letter in protest, as I'm sure many others would agree, despite Brickadia's inevitable success, you would always be able to make a better game.

This is why it makes sense for Blockland to get a facelift, in UE5 or similar - incorporate some of the most iconic addons by default whilst extending all features, add true raytracing etc... and ultimately re-launch.

Maybe this will or will not happen, but I won't be satisfied leaving this forum for eternity without writing this letter to simply express my thanks and just a coulple very small reasons as to why you, Badspot should continue to create and allow this game to flourish and generate some more memories for generations to come.

Thank you Badspot, for making my childhood,


But as its original creator, I wholeheartedly believe you, and only you hold the secrets as to what makes this game such a special and unique product.
didnt you spell it out earlier that it was the event system that made the game iconic (but also the ease of modding probably played a role (and still neither of those are any secret))
This is why I write this letter in protest, as I'm sure many others would agree, despite Brickadia's inevitable success, you would always be able to make a better game.
even if you managed to rouse him from his developmental slumber i would be astonished if he made anything in a timely fashion thats significantly better than what others are already working on

This is why it makes sense for Blockland to get a facelift, in UE5 or similar - incorporate some of the most iconic addons by default whilst extending all features, add true raytracing etc... and ultimately re-launch.
broooo just join the land of dran discord server it aint that hard brother  :panda: :panda: :panda:

Dude's resentful of everyone and is just collecting what little ad revenue he can still get and the occasional BL sale, this stuff done.

Why aren't you asking why Badspot doesn't just release the source code already.

Why aren't you asking why Badspot doesn't just release the source code already.
I hate people saying stuff like this like it would mean anything. if he put the source code out there literally nothing would change at all. not a god damn thing

we have the source code already, technically. the problem is we have no ability to publish bugfixes or updates to the game engine which is the source of most of the problems/limitations left in this game.

I think its time to let go. Cherish the memories you have and make new ones somewhere else. People have moved on and Blockland will never again be the same no matter what we do. Its unfortunate that nothing lasts forever but that's just the way things are.

broooo just join the land of dran discord server
LoD2 can certainly "make bricks do things."

How much cash infront of Eric do you think it would take for him to just give creative license to Conan or whomever?

How much cash infront of Eric do you think it would take for him to just give creative license to Conan or whomever?
Since the game is source of passive income for him, (at least marginally) I'd assume a lump-sum that would be relatively worth how much the game would make until it completely dies out (as in, no purchases, 0 players/servers online).

Badspot won't even open source age of time let alone do anything with blockland.