You know by making posts like this you make badspot have to have secret accounts right?
Oh crap. This whole time I was trying to prove King Tony and fuzztoast were the same person, but I was always missing something. It all makes sense now. King tony is Badspot. All the the connections. I
BET Theyve never been in a VC together at the same time. I doubt theyve been on a server at the same time. They have the same timezone and posting habits. Holy cow, were onto something.
Its like Mr Robot, Or Fight club. Except with King tony and Badspot. Heck, this is crazy.
EDIT Like how king tony leaves, and now badspot is posting. Like, he HAS to now, because he other self is not here anymore!! This is some real deep stuff. Like a ARG but irl.
EDIT 2 ba...d...s...p...o...t
Need you see more evidence? I think he was trying to tell us all along.