Author Topic: happy pride month everybody  (Read 28177 times)

this may be our last together. only time will tell. anyway this rest of this OP is a little bit sappy

realizing my queerness and my furryness have both had a massive positive impact on my life, and while I'm sure these discoveries would have happened at some point, what I know is that they happened when they did because of this forum. it's not the best community in the world, and I'm sure someone's gonna reply to this thread to prove that yet again, just like every other year, but that's ok. aside from the lifelong connections I made here, my introduction to furries in particular has made a big difference in my relationships both online and in person; I never really had friends I could hang out with regularly irl before, but now I do, thanks to all the people I know through being a furry, including local pride organizations and other queer groups. and of course that furryness is intrinsically linked to my queerness, because that's just how it goes. being a furry means knowing a lot of other queer people and that has led to a bunch of queer self-discoveries that probably would've been pretty hard to come by otherwise

but that's all. just a little nostalgic reflection. I hope the rest of you have an excellent pride month

every day the queers get stronger

i called my best friend a friend alongside other colorful language (rainbow person, flag people, gaylord) in obviously joking banter between two people who've known each other for ages in a friend group vc he owns last week (i like men and have had boyfriends known to most of the people there) and the turboqueer of the server who had been invited by a friend of a friend proceeded to post a clip of me doing it across 5 different servers' vent channels saying that people are being homophobic to their friends and in their own server used me as an example of some pridefall nonsense because i had posted about having used 4chan in the past, and now it's a consistent joke in that friend group to make jokes about me being extremely homophobic

in other news, happy pride! :)

Calling my trans friend a transmission while they call me a friend.
Happy pride!

your dad suck me good and hard thru my jorts

forget them homaloveuhs

i called my best friend a friend alongside other colorful language (rainbow person, flag people, gaylord) in obviously joking banter between two people who've known each other for ages in a friend group vc he owns last week (i like men and have had boyfriends known to most of the people there) and the turboqueer of the server who had been invited by a friend of a friend proceeded to post a clip of me doing it across 5 different servers' vent channels saying that people are being homophobic to their friends and in their own server used me as an example of some pridefall nonsense because i had posted about having used 4chan in the past, and now it's a consistent joke in that friend group to make jokes about me being extremely homophobic

in other news, happy pride! :)

It's like you got trapped in 2014 and missed when everyone stopped joking and started being serious. Like we had a honor student from here that was "joking". Everyone being tribal on 4chan? stuff turns out some of those people actually ARE tribal. It's so bizarre growing up and having debates with IRL people over Andrew Tate's ideology it blows my mind people actually think like this. Turns out some people truly do think women are by default evil.

Like 10 years ago I would have thought you were trolling.

i called my best friend a friend alongside other colorful language (rainbow person, flag people, gaylord) in obviously joking banter between two people who've known each other for ages in a friend group vc he owns last week (i like men and have had boyfriends known to most of the people there) and the turboqueer of the server who had been invited by a friend of a friend proceeded to post a clip of me doing it across 5 different servers' vent channels saying that people are being homophobic to their friends and in their own server used me as an example of some pridefall nonsense because i had posted about having used 4chan in the past, and now it's a consistent joke in that friend group to make jokes about me being extremely homophobic

in other news, happy pride! :)
? this behaviour is super immature and extremely out-of-pocket. the way you framed it is hilariously unaware tho

anyway - it took me until i was like, 21? i think? to be openly gay. I didnt even come out to anyone close to me because I was so terrified they would abandon me, I told some random girl I had just met at a party! (who went to school and told me sister smh)

now I watch my nieces and nephews and the way they navigate lgbt issues and its so heartwarming - you can just tell theyre so much further removed from the fear that existed back then. not that its gone, there is def a veryyy vocal minority of people who want us to die or something, but society in general.

like unovas comments were something very normal and ok back in the day, and you were expected to just play along with the "joke". not theres repercussions for it.

happy pride you guys!

forget them homaloveuhs
Yes, hi, i am the home of loveual, how may i assist you today

the most forgeted up thing about the gay agenda is that sometimes they dont even HAVE a genda

It's like you got trapped in 2014 and missed when everyone stopped joking and started being serious. Like we had a honor student from here that was "joking". Everyone being tribal on 4chan? stuff turns out some of those people actually ARE tribal. It's so bizarre growing up and having debates with IRL people over Andrew Tate's ideology it blows my mind people actually think like this.
i mean, sure, categorically evil people do exist, but surely not in entirely private friend groups surrounded by individuals which conflict with their existence, right? i didn't suffer any consequence because again, this was happening between me and a long time friend in a private circle where it's pretty obviously known that both of us are queer and this is a pretty standard issue bant, and I'm pretty sure that the person doing it was aware of what was happening and decided to do it anyway. most of the recording that was posted was us reciting homophobic dog memes at each other and giggling before proceeding to talk about something dorky, which i think pretty obviously wouldn't be happening if either of us were being antagonistic toward each other. i don't really understand why i'm not allowed to reclaim slurs that apply to me and have been used against me in private.

? this behaviour is super immature and extremely out-of-pocket. the way you framed it is hilariously unaware tho
how so? is it not equatable to calling good friends handicaps, cunts? i.e. banter?

i don't really understand why i'm not allowed to reclaim slurs that apply to me and have been used against me in private.
this, the only way a word can be harmful is if you allow it to do harm. in a healthy friendship and friendly setting, words that may otherwise cause offense, shouldn't. a friend calling you a friend should not be taken at face value (unless the friendship is unhealthy, where there is abuse and distrust). this is a mind-blowingly simple concept that seemingly very little people can grasp
« Last Edit: June 03, 2023, 12:20:07 PM by Smashed_Eggs »

one on one sure, in a group with people you don't know? sorry but it's not their job to decipher whether you're actually trash or just trolling (which are kinda synonymous most of the time) and acting like that just shows that you put your personal feelings about the word ahead of others who you might make uncomfortable/might have trauma surrounding the word which is a self centered character trait

do I think trying to cancel someone vs just disliking them/their behavior is the answer tho? no