Author Topic: happy pride month everybody  (Read 28301 times)

one on one sure, in a group with people you don't know? sorry but it's not their job to decipher whether you're actually trash or just trolling (which are kinda synonymous most of the time) and acting like that just shows that you put your personal feelings about the word ahead of others who you might make uncomfortable/might have trauma surrounding the word which is a self centered character trait
from the context provided it wouldn't be difficult to ascertain the intentions behind the words said (the laughing between each other and moving on from it like it was nothing). it would be a little more understanding if the person did have trauma relating to it, but in that case is the mature thing to do not to simply ask to stop saying it, rather than to record it and spread it around everywhere?

*does my gay little dance*

one on one sure, in a group with people you don't know? sorry but it's not their job to decipher whether you're actually trash or just trolling (which are kinda synonymous most of the time)
people are invited to the friend group with the expectation that they'll just speak up if they dislike something being done; i don't necessarily agree that i should be completely disallowed to bant with my friends in private if someone else is uncomfortable with a specific word that i again, am allowed to use, but i would have probably stopped if they just like messaged me like 'hey i get uncomfortable around the word, can you limit your use of it?' for the sake of not being an starfish, and if they had trauma it's their duty to inform the people in the very informal friend group we were in for basically any reason so people avoid it and people who don't could be removed; 5 minutes before they joined 3 people had posted the joe biden friend!!!!! image in response to me vocally proclaiming my love for a specific guy's physique

and acting like that just shows that you put your personal feelings about the word ahead of others who you might make uncomfortable/might have trauma surrounding the word which is a self centered character trait
well yeah, i am self centered. i dislike it when people i don't know are invited to private and established friend circles and proceed to rabble rouse with people most of us don't know behind our backs in an attempt to get e-clout i guess, bite me. maybe in any other situation i would have been more courteous.

the joe biden friend!!!!! image
my favourite image to use on myself

My trans friend was doing some PDA over discord so I called her gay, then she called me an immigrant. It was pretty funny. She also got married to my other friend, so that's cool too.  :iceCream:

one on one sure, in a group with people you don't know? sorry but it's not their job to decipher whether you're actually trash or just trolling (which are kinda synonymous most of the time) and acting like that just shows that you put your personal feelings about the word ahead of others who you might make uncomfortable/might have trauma surrounding the word which is a self centered character trait
We all act in self-interest to some degree, it's human nature. What Unova did may be self centered, but so is expecting strangers to pander to you via respecting your trauma surrounding a word. Have you considered growing a pair?

my favourite image to use on myself
i want to see this image NOW

We all act in self-interest to some degree, it's human nature. What Unova did may be self centered, but so is expecting strangers to pander to you via respecting your trauma surrounding a word. Have you considered growing a pair?
community is also human nature - expecting others to "pander"? Hmm, I assume you think tossing the n word around is cool too

something something free speech means you can say things but that doesnt mean you're free from the consequences of your words

community is also human nature - expecting others to "pander"? Hmm, I assume you think tossing the n word around is cool too
hi, i've never posted a picture of myself here in fear of discrimination Or worse, because people have done worse to me, but to prove a point, i'm black

i'm allowed to say the n word. it's not something i usually say because it doesn't really fit into my vocabulary, but if someone were to get angry at me for saying it to a friend in our own private space it'd be unreasonable, right? i can understand if they have trauma over the word, but it's their responsibility to Ask me, and everyone else in the circle, to stop using it beforehand or upon my usage of the word if they expect us to stop before it causes them any personal distress, and I and other black individuals (total strangers who do not know them) are by no means obligated to stop saying the n word To Eachother if this person we don't know and didn't ask to be there has an issue with it, right?
i don't really see what i did wrong because all of this applies the same with the f slur, or why i deserved a genuine and honest attempt at character assassination for the base act of reclaiming and mocking family men in private with a fellow gay friend

i'm semi-inclined to believe that all the venom you've had toward me for using the word is partly just user bias because i don't really know what else i can do to prove that it's usage was very obvious non-malicious and it'd be very hard to argue ill intent of any sort in my case
i want to see this image NOW

i dunno why you're blocking your lower face with your phone, you look fine.

community is also human nature - expecting others to "pander"? Hmm, I assume you think tossing the n word around is cool too
Yes, expecting strangers to suppress your trauma by censoring the language they use in your presence is the definition of pandering. Your trauma is yours to deal with, not everyone else's.

I don't care about slurs or what words people use. Instead of trying to build up words as unspeakable horrors I think it'd be more beneficial for society if we stopped pretending words carry so much weight. Censoring words and punishing their use does not solve the problem, it just makes people dislike you more. Stop being a baby.

something something free speech means you can say things but that doesnt mean you're free from the consequences of your words
In this context the consequence is Internet stranger thinks you're a mean person and doesn't like you anymore... which doesn't really mean anything. It's not like hateful people want to be friends with the people they hate lol.

hi, i've never posted a picture of myself here in fear of discrimination Or worse, because people have done worse to me, but to prove a point, i'm black

i'm allowed to say the n word. it's not something i usually say because it doesn't really fit into my vocabulary, but if someone were to get angry at me for saying it to a friend in our own private space it'd be unreasonable, right? i can understand if they have trauma over the word, but it's their responsibility to Ask me, and everyone else in the circle, to stop using it beforehand or upon my usage of the word if they expect us to stop before it causes them any personal distress, and I and other black individuals (total strangers who do not know them) are by no means obligated to stop saying the n word To Eachother if this person we don't know and didn't ask to be there has an issue with it, right?
i don't really see what i did wrong because all of this applies the same with the f slur, or why i deserved a genuine and honest attempt at character assassination for the base act of reclaiming and mocking family men in private with a fellow gay friend
i could mog you