Author Topic: happy pride month everybody  (Read 34538 times)

Camel, I've already explained this but I'll try again.  That is a raw image I saved from 4chan that I included as an addition at the end of my article.  I did not create that collage.  I did not verify the contents of the collage beyond a passing glance.  It is bonus content for the reader to examine themselves.  That's why the images are linked with tiny thumbnails and no captions.  Normal people can figure this out from context.

You did not understand what "unfiltered" meant in context.   You did not understand the use of a phrase as a noun in a sentence.  You got confused about who the word "I" was referring to.  There isn't really any point talking to you because you don't know how to read.
ah damn I missed that sentence in the article. there goes the lynchpin to my argument lol.

Ngl a ton of those women just look like normal people, not even ugly imo (prob not worth arguing over since it’s not like I can provide some peer-reviewed study saying they aren’t ugly or anything like that)

They aren’t some 10/10 instagram model looking people either but I think it’s silly for all protagonists to look that way all the time anyway

Edit: idk what happened but I got the “a reply has been posted while you were typing” and so I hit post again and now this has posted twice
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 10:44:41 AM by Blockomaniac »

Ngl a ton of those women just look like normal people
That's what I think. Weird theyre making such a fuss about it.

good lord this only had 4 pages early yesterday

good lord this only had 4 pages early yesterday
Everyone’s just crazy for pride! 🥰

good lord this only had 4 pages early yesterday
its kind of a nostalgic feeling, aint it?

Camel, I've already explained this but I'll try again.  That is a raw image I saved from 4chan that I included as an addition at the end of my article.  I did not create that collage.  I did not verify the contents of the collage beyond a passing glance.  It is bonus content for the reader to examine themselves.  That's why the images are linked with tiny thumbnails and no captions.  Normal people can figure this out from context.

You did not understand what "unfiltered" meant in context.   You did not understand the use of a phrase as a noun in a sentence.  You got confused about who the word "I" was referring to.  There isn't really any point talking to you because you don't know how to read.

Your argument is valid, and makes a lot of sense, so let's go ahead and actually read your article.

Producing defective artwork like this indicates a defective mind, so it is unsurprising that the game was also plagued with technical problems and design issues.

...Oh dear.

Of course, I shouldn't cherry pick quotes from your article, so let's use plenty, and for good measure let's post the link to the full article here:

The entire article, from top to bottom is largely about picking apart various female video game characters as ugly, and explains in detail why they are ugly. In this article, there are various parts where you insult the developers and/or journalists in bad faith. On top of the quote above, here are some examples:
"""Real""" Woman
A "Gamers have never seen a real woman" article,
written by a delusional male to female transloveual.
In reference to Aloy's appearance, also includes a picture of the journalist. This is in it's own section, so I'm not leaving out much irregardless of her appearance.
Niko vs Aloy
Unfavorable comparisons have been drawn between Aloy and professional fat sack of stuff, Nikocado Avocado.
Diversity High Score
The ultimate in diversity, a fat ugly queer black cripple. They have the technology.

They love making black people ugly because they want to make sure you don't have any enjoyment from the diversity that is being forced upon you.
Lawbreakers was a failed multiplayer hero shooter shat out by delusional billionaire and cringe black-belt Cliff Blezinski.
Epic games ran an online course titled Defining Real Virtual Beauty where an expert 'appearance researcher' defined real virtual beauty as her own stupid face and doofus haircut
This is based off a real person. Her name is Debra Wilson. She used to be on MadTV and was more normal looking, though still bug-eyed. As she has aged, she has done several things to intentionally make herself ugly such as gauging her ears, tattoing her entire body up to her neck, and shaving her head. This firmly cements her as a priest in the satanic cult of ugliness. They love her because she defiles her own flesh.

These are examples of you insulting the game developers, and if this is meant as a joke then it kind of shows that you get a good laugh by putting other people down. If this is meant to be something serious, then why are you using ad hominems in your own article?

There are also examples of you calling fat people things or hambeasts. There are different kinds of insults here on various populations that you have wrote as well. I could spend another 30 minutes reading your article and gathering them up, but it's prominent enough that it shouldn't be hard to see for anyone who decides to even so much as skim the article. Nevertheless, I'll show off a couple of the highlights in case you decide to edit or delete the article:
Finally we have fat ugly downs syndrome albino cripple representation.
It's like a stuff version of the Burger King Kid's Klub.
They captured a weird potbelly goblin, digitized her, then tweeted about it.

Seriously, some of the parts of this article I read and I can't even tell if it's meant to be funny, actual commentary, or both. The humor seems to be largely about putting other people down, and the commentary, while potentially worth talking about and is capable of provoking discussion, is ruined by the jokes about the developers and various populations at their expense. I do want to emphasize that there is actual commentary here that can provoke genuine discussion, like face scanning people can lead to uglier people and how this can be interpreted as disrespectful to the women who provided the scans, but since the article was written the way it was it's just going to set off emotions.

Furthermore, I could go into arguments about how I think a lot of the examples in the article look fine and how stories of normal people doing exceptional things exist, or how some pictures are cherry picked like in the Injustice: Gods Among Us part, but you are accusing others of using ad hominems while either you are using them yourself or your entire sense of humor is about attacking other people and their appearance, and that's what this post is meant to address. If you do respond, do not pretend I ignored your article; this is about your writing. Why write it like this?


Q: You are [a|an] [.*ist|.*phobe], douchebag, virgin, starfish, loser.
A: But am I wrong?
Wording matters, has always mattered regardless of the generation, and this rule applies no matter what your beliefs are. If what you say offends the people you're trying to convince, and let's face it, a decent number of otherwise neutral people who would otherwise agree with you or laugh about it now probably wouldn't because of the insults you used in this article.

    Producing defective artwork like this indicates a defective mind, so it is unsurprising that the game was also plagued with technical problems and design issues.

Checkmate badspot. It is YOU who has the defective mind muahahah

the way i see his point of "the pendulum is swinging back" is that LGBT is still nowhere near being widely accepted throughout the world, i'd estimate at most 30% of the world's population are at the very least ambivalent about the topic, and less so perfectly happy about the topic
this "pendulum" swung too fast too far, only managing to get some acceptance, and it's being pushed too hard now and we're seeing it "swinging back". see the major rise in mainstream resistance to the movement, bud light is a recent and great example of this, a simple boycott like that caused serious ripples. or all of the anti-trans/gay laws being passed and celebrated. zoomers with their own gigachad superstraight vril waffen tiktok edits.
it's pretty clear that there's enough pushback to make LGBT fall over. whether the day of the rope will be one of violence, or one slowly marched to through politics and methodical persecution, the fact remains that such a day is in sight
no its not autist

Swining swing swing pendulum swing swinger pendulum

ah damn I missed that sentence in the article. there goes the lynchpin to my argument lol.
Well your argument was stupid to begin with. He made an article making fun of ugly troonified characters in the modern gaming sphere? That's not a dissenting opinion to hold, in fact this stuffs been well documented for the past several years. This is basically your definition of beauty vs his, don't see your point.

how could you possibly give a stuff about this?
You're the one arguing about the article in the first place. Try looking in a mirror sometime.

pride blows and NA gays arent in danger of anything
Holy stuff based

Well your argument was stupid to begin with. He made an article making fun of ugly troonified characters in the modern gaming sphere? That's not a dissenting opinion to hold, in fact this stuffs been well documented for the past several years. This is basically your definition of beauty vs his, don't see your point.
...By also saying stuff like calling a character a "fat ugly queer black cripple"? Is this supposed to be a joke? Am I supposed to be laughing?

Oh yeah, you're saying stuff like troon, what else could I have expected from you?

Well your argument was stupid to begin with. He made an article making fun of ugly troonified characters in the modern gaming sphere? That's not a dissenting opinion to hold, in fact this stuffs been well documented for the past several years. This is basically your definition of beauty vs his, don't see your point.
making fun of ugly game characters, who gives a stuff - I'm making fun of his meltdown. He's still mad that they made an ugly alien in a 6 year old bomb. When you're 42, you should probably be working towards the pater familias, not getting mad that there's a bug eyed black lady in a game you weren't even going to play in the first place.

Of course, I shouldn't cherry pick quotes from your article, so let's use plenty, and for good measure let's post the link to the full article here:
Yikes. It's impressive that we all managed to grow up while badspot didn't. He should probably leave 4chan and find some "alleged females".