Author Topic: happy pride month everybody  (Read 36431 times)

imagine being a mentally ill loveual deviant

...By also saying stuff like calling a character a "fat ugly queer black cripple"? Is this supposed to be a joke? Am I supposed to be laughing?
Well, it made me laugh. The character looks comedically bad, like a 4chan meme but if it had a huge budget. I'm not sure why you're mad he's making fun of someone that doesn't exist. Do you identify with this character? Is that it?

Oh yeah, you're saying stuff like troon, what else could I have expected from you?
Yes, because I think it's funny. Humor is subjective and doesn't revolve around your personal moral compass. If you think I'm an starfish I don't care.

making fun of ugly game characters, who gives a stuff - I'm making fun of his meltdown.
The article appears to be making fun of ugly women in games, I don't see a meltdown anywhere. You seem to be reading really deep into this.

He's still mad that they made an ugly alien in a 6 year old bomb.
Making fun of and something and anger are not the same thing, and I don't think it's weird to prefer video game characters to be appealing to look at.

Who cares if it was 6 years ago, is there an expiration date where you're not allowed to make fun of things anymore? The gameplay sucked and it looked like stuff aesthetically, time passing hasn't changed that.

When you're 42
And your profile says you're 26 yet here you are; arguing about nonsense on a lego forum you post on all day. At 26 you're well past legal adult, your brain stops developing generally around 25. The apple has not fallen far from the tree.


>Cries muh loveism (The loveism argument was already answered in the FAQ of the article)
When you're 42, you should probably be working towards the pater familias
>Proceeds to reinforce gender stereotypes

You have zero self awareness. I think we're done here.

does anyone remember this


Well, it made me laugh. The character looks comedically bad, like a 4chan meme but if it had a huge budget. I'm not sure why you're mad he's making fun of someone that doesn't exist. Do you identify with this character? Is that it?
The article appears to be making fun of ugly women in games
to be fair there's not really a shortage of him making fun of real people in the article as well

you could say there's nothing wrong with simply having an opinion on how someone looks (cuz everyone has them) but jeez lol. I doubt that the people brought up in the article will ever see this article so no harm done, but it's just... indecent. Which of course is his right, he can speak however he wants lol. But I don't think some of the reactions we're seeing are unfounded cuz of stuff like these pics
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 11:51:28 PM by Blockomaniac »


>Cries muh loveism (The loveism argument was already answered in the FAQ of the article)
you soft in the head or something? anyone else can post in his comment section with any name, when I posted i was anonymous, why would I put my blockland name there? lol.

calling out my age and my yelling on a lego forum ain't the play, chief. we're all losers being here, you've also been getting into fights nonstop on this dead forum, just scroll back three pages in your recent posts. there's making fun of something, then there's making an article for no one, and strawmanning as an appendix. I know he cares more about that stuff than I do, cus I didn't write it. so i'm mocking him.

>Proceeds to reinforce gender stereotypes
clearly badspot gives a huge stuff about gender stereotypes, what, you think he's gender fluid? He could learn to live by his own code for a change. And clearly you do too, or do you not?

ironically much of the reason that women in recent games/shows look somewhat uglier is specifically because theyre not supposed to be a love icon. also part of it fits into the metamodernist muh morally gray obsession from AAAs lately. do u guys just not know what women look like without makeup or are u expecting physiognomy checks for the models they choose lol

holy mother of god a good chunk of you are pushing your 30s

you soft in the head or something? anyone else can post in his comment section with any name, when I posted i was anonymous, why would I put my blockland name there? lol.
Oh, so someone claiming to be you just happened to post something in the exact same typing mannerisms as you. Sure. Even if you're telling the truth it's pretty clear you share the same sentiments so the point stands.

calling out my age and my yelling on a lego forum ain't the play, chief. we're all losers being here, you've also been getting into fights nonstop on this dead forum, just scroll back three pages in your recent posts.
If you think we're all losers here then what's your point, that Badspots a bigger loser?

The last 3 pages of my posts span nearly a year lol. Miscellaneous stuff and a few replies in discussions that are naturally polarizing, all of which I never bothered to look back at replies on because I didn't care enough to. I definitely hold this forum close to heart (this is sarcasm). Stop projecting.

there's making fun of something, then there's making an article for no one, and strawmanning as an appendix. I know he cares more about that stuff than I do, cus I didn't write it. so i'm mocking him. 
Right, that's why you're sitting here debating - because you care so little. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

At least he has a dog in the fight, it's his website and forum. What's your excuse?

clearly badspot gives a huge stuff about gender stereotypes, what, you think he's gender fluid? He could learn to live by his own code for a change. And clearly you do too, or do you not?
Being attractive as opposed to ugly isn't a stereotype, it's a preference everyone shares. Most people don't like looking at ugly stuff. We're talking videogame characters here, not real women. This argument was also answered in the FAQ of the article, real people are worth more than just their looks.

Stereotypes werent my point in the first place, my point was that you're a loving hypocrite. This and the fact you've brought up multiple points already answered in the articles FAQ tells me Badspot is right - you can't read.

Oh, so someone claiming to be you just happened to post something in the exact same typing mannerisms as you. Sure. Even if you're telling the truth it's pretty clear you share the same sentiments so the point stands.
That’s kind of a silly/unfair thing to say though, you can’t just assume it’s really him and then base the rest of this part of your post off that assumption. It would be really easy to put words in peoples’ mouths just by reading their posts here, and then going to the badspot site and posting something that sounds vaguely familiar to how they talk

We're talking videogame characters here, not real women. This argument was also answered in the FAQ of the article, real people are worth more than just their looks.
You might have missed my post on this since it was on a edit to an already existing post instead of a new one, but I’m curious what your take is on the parts where badspot insults real life people in the article (this isn’t some “gotcha!” attempt or anything, I’m just curious since a big part of your argument is that it’s fictional people, so no harm done, which is true)

does anyone remember this
to be fair there's not really a shortage of him making fun of real people in the article as well

you could say there's nothing wrong with simply having an opinion on how someone looks (cuz everyone has them) but jeez lol. I doubt that the people brought up in the article will ever see this article so no harm done, but it's just... indecent. Which of course is his right, he can speak however he wants lol. But I don't think some of the reactions we're seeing are unfounded cuz of stuff like these pics

My take on badspots post: Absolute failure to understand capitalism. The entire post is you whining about titties and getting nowhere with it since there isn't a drip of critical thinking in there. You ask a bunch of "questions" and get nowhere with it. Throw in that random ass "Burger King Kids Klub" and it really almost feels like I'm back in 2009.

My take away from this is that 50% of the worlds population started actually toying around with the idea of playing video games. This has been super true for a long time and really starting picking up with League of Legends. Maybe Women don't play video games as seriously but times are changing and we're far from the old "Women don't exist on the internet". I've also seen comment chains of Women talking to other women about playing D4 with their husbands, my friends wife also plays D4.

Mass Effect 4, Diablo 4, these titles do no need help marketing to their male players. They're absolutely gonna buy the game. They need to market to the alternative players, women that might not buy the game. I don't think there is some kind of crazy conspiracy here.

Ripping images directly from 4chan is probably the dumbest thing to do ever btw. Most of those screenshots do look like they were rendered by a AMD Radeon HD 6k on the lowest settings and taken with a phone camera. Most of them aren't even real screenshots of the game it's... promotional material.

Camel screaming loveism and racism just makes this stuff worse. I think it's much more productive to figure out what exactly Badspot is crying about and dissect it rather than using a surface level "Toss him in the bin" argument.

Sorry if I'm misrepresenting something. Tried to make sure I knew what was going on.

Lol at the Diablo 4 Hambeast comment.
One of the big reasons they made her that large is so that her class silhouette matchs the male one, like the other classes do, so they're recognizable when zoomed out on the map and you can tell whose playing what class

Lol at the Diablo 4 Hambeast comment.
One of the big reasons they made her that large is so that her class silhouette matchs the male one, like the other classes do, so they're recognizable when zoomed out on the map and you can tell whose playing what class
lmao it's a loving slider? So that's a player choice?

That class is always on the large side what do you mean, yeah it's a slider but those characters are always big so you can tell who they're playing as

Edit: got home to check, you're just dead wrong there isn't a slider for body size, every class is set to a specific build.
Whoa it's almost like it's there for class recognition omg, the females aren't even fat, they're built like power lifters.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2023, 03:16:59 PM by plad101 »

That class is always on the large side what do you mean, yeah it's a slider but those characters are always big so you can tell who they're playing as

Edit: got home to check, you're just dead wrong there isn't a slider for body size, every class is set to a specific build.
Whoa it's almost like it's there for class recognition omg, the females aren't even fat, they're built like power lifters.
[img width=900 ][/img]
guy I don't have D4, I was asking you. You're the one that said you chose to make your character the largest you could, I was assuming there could be a slider from that.

I'm dumb, you said THEY made her. reading is hard
« Last Edit: June 30, 2023, 03:35:24 PM by Soukuw »

Oh, so someone claiming to be you just happened to post something in the exact same typing mannerisms as you. Sure. Even if you're telling the truth it's pretty clear you share the same sentiments so the point stands.
note that this apparently happened to gothboy too. also that doesnt sound very much like camel imo
someone in the comments posted using my name but it was not me

im flattered

Right, that's why you're sitting here debating - because you care so little. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

At least he has a dog in the fight, it's his website and forum. What's your excuse?
this is an argument crafted by preteens. you overestimate the amount of care required to read and type. you probably dont personally care about what camel is saying but here you are responding to his posts and now having the same pointless argument used against you

If you think we're all losers here then what's your point, that Badspots a bigger loser?

At least he has a dog in the fight, it's his website and forum. What's your excuse?
i didn't write 3,000 characters of dumb stuff. actually maybe i have in the process of arguing lol

My take on badspots post: Absolute failure to understand capitalism. The entire post is you whining about titties and getting nowhere with it since there isn't a drip of critical thinking in there. You ask a bunch of "questions" and get nowhere with it. Throw in that random ass "Burger King Kids Klub" and it really almost feels like I'm back in 2009...Camel screaming loveism and racism just makes this stuff worse. I think it's much more productive to figure out what exactly Badspot is crying about and dissect it rather than using a surface level "Toss him in the bin" argument.
i disagree, i think badspot clearly understands capitalism's effect on video games, and then he comes to a stupid conclusion. his whole post is laden with attacks on morally onerous devs, that's the "they" in the whole article. a misunderstanding of capitalism is like when dumbasses buy products and the film themselves destroying them to pwn the company. I'm sure he's aware of the massive rise in female gamers, and the general demographic shift on the internet in general - and he doesn't like it. That's also why it reads like a post from 2009, cus that was when his brain crystallized and he stopped forming opinions. idunno what's to brown townyze besides that, he just spewed out his entire pathology, i don't need to look at a turd through a jeweler's loupe to know it's stuff.