...By also saying stuff like calling a character a "fat ugly queer black cripple"? Is this supposed to be a joke? Am I supposed to be laughing?
Well, it made me laugh. The character looks comedically bad, like a 4chan meme but if it had a huge budget. I'm not sure why you're mad he's making fun of someone that doesn't exist. Do you identify with this character? Is that it?
Oh yeah, you're saying stuff like troon, what else could I have expected from you?
Yes, because I think it's funny. Humor is subjective and doesn't revolve around your personal moral compass. If you think I'm an starfish I don't care.
making fun of ugly game characters, who gives a stuff - I'm making fun of his meltdown.
The article appears to be making fun of ugly women in games, I don't see a meltdown anywhere. You seem to be reading really deep into this.
He's still mad that they made an ugly alien in a 6 year old bomb.
Making fun of and something and anger are not the same thing, and I don't think it's weird to prefer video game characters to be appealing to look at.
Who cares if it was 6 years ago, is there an expiration date where you're not allowed to make fun of things anymore? The gameplay sucked and it looked like stuff aesthetically, time passing hasn't changed that.
When you're 42
And your profile says you're 26 yet here you are; arguing about nonsense on a lego forum you post on all day. At 26 you're well past legal adult, your brain stops developing generally around 25. The apple has not fallen far from the tree.
>Cries muh loveism (The loveism argument was already answered in the FAQ of the article)
When you're 42, you should probably be working towards the pater familias
>Proceeds to reinforce gender stereotypes
You have zero self awareness. I think we're done here.