Author Topic: blockland rebuilt  (Read 38401 times)

Also, just to go back to what Drydess was saying, because what the actual H-E-double hockey sticks are these takes
ive also always been of the opinion that maps are extremely ugly and look so out of place compared to anything a person could make using bricks. imagine if, in alpha, instead of procedurally generated terrain minecraft just had uncannily smooth, chalky, 2006-graphics slopes (off the brick grid) and people worshiped that for twenty years LOL. the best thing the b4age16 community has to offer is their userbase not a halo-but-mid gamemode
bl gets mentioned in social media from time to time because bedroom map nostalgia is a literal internet meme that reminds them of stuffty early 2000s graphics which would make them get a refund on any game they bought today
Your opinion just sounds exactly like what Badspot and Rotondo were trying to get people to think about interiors and terrains, so you fell hook line and sinker for their marketing blurb

And i liked the pretty new shadows and shaders! (Especially after the pack of soft shadows were made)

I'm not gonna lie and say they looked amazing, but people have done amazing things with them over the years, and when you have maps that are fun to play in and explore, the graphics don't matter, because you'd be too busy having RPs, fort wars, air battles, house sized maps that make you feel like mice, and fun sandbox-y type maps to build in

People still play Source Engine games, and the maps themselves look very aged as well, but Source just so happens to benefit from a better lighting system and the ability to have higher quality models placed around maps to make them feel more real and believable

And that last bit sounds like you're really bent out of shape over some incident that happened, i recommend you either try to resolve that in a more mature manner, or otherwise just be more mature about whatever unfortunate thing happened by not being so passive aggressive and throwing mud over it, it's not a good look for whatever point you try to make

As for the second quote, have you literally never seen games like Ultrakill, or popular mods like the Doom MyHouse.wad, or Entropy Zero 2? People will buy, play, and enjoy games whatever the graphics may be as long as the game is fun and engaging, which is why B4v21 tried to bring back what people found fun and engaging about Blockland all those years ago, and is now trying to expand on that with BLR

disregard your opinion as well for being this handicapped


at the end of the day, what is your point, 11 active bans is still 11 bans

or maybe because the global moderation are filled with a bunch of dumb idiots which could have a lot of bias towards certain users rather actual rule breaking, people who passionately hate someone are going to ban them no matter what (11 users confirmed banned). nevermind that each server would have its own set of rules or no rules at all that users will have to abide, case point: "dont like a particular person, just stay away from them, dont like a particular person as you host, ban em, are they on the same server as you that you like, suck it up or leave. "
Unfortunately, "bias" is definitely a valid concern to have in this community, and there was a whole lengthy discussion on these matters in the Content Creators server about it, and the best answer to that situation, that i got from that discussion, is that we'll just have to wait and see how it pans out for the actual game, which does suck, but ultimately, you'll just have to behave yourself as you would in any modern game that has active moderation

anyone who wants b4v21 just to play terrains and maps again are a bunch of idiots who are stuck in the pre v21 mindset  who cant accept moving on, either dont play ever again or stay on v21
By saying this, aren't you also just saying "just suck it up or leave"? You're saying "Play v21, or don't play at all", which is the same thing

Also, why does it matter what people want to play? Does it affect you any? It doesn't, because once again, if they're absent from v21 anyway, they're of no matter to you

the man himself
To be fair, as someone whose known this community and it's problematic individuals throughout it's 2 decades, i'd say this is a fair call to make at this point

If i could see who those 11 people are and knew exactly why they were banned, i could justify with certainty whether or not those people deserved to be banned even prematurely, but that's none of my business and i have to respect that

disregard your opinion as well for being this handicapped
Alright, i guess this conversation is over then, i tried 🤷‍♂️

yeah tbh @drydess your notes just gave off major hater vibes

yeah tbh @drydess your notes just gave off major hater vibes
drydress would rather play brickadia

don't be a loving nunce and you will be allowed to live, it's as simple as that

at the end of the day, what is your point, 11 active bans is still 11 bans

Unless you are among the 11 banned I don't see what the issue even is.
The "precautionary bans" were to deter stuff like DDoSing and ruining other peoples fun.

Additionally I have yet to confirm that those 11 users in question are even still banned right now.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2023, 02:19:50 PM by Outland Predator »

don't be a loving nunce and you will be allowed to live, it's as simple as that

Unless you are among the 11 banned I don't see what the issue even is.
The "precautionary bans" were to deter stuff like DDoSing and ruining other peoples fun.
This feels like a world's smallest violin situation.

imagine being in this community for years and still being against "preemptive bans" of problematic users even after seeing the numerous DDOS attacks and backdoors and private investigatings lol

this is all very impressive stuff and i gotta give huge props to the people behind this but sadly the game's perfomance is not very good, i think i'll wait a bit more time to fully enjoy it if they intend to release updates to fix it

- you said at the start of the video that you decompiled the source code which already gets you into legal trouble
decompilation and reverse engineering aren't uniquely illegal. the DMCA makes it illegal when used to circumvent DRM (which it could probably be argued is happening here, even though it's left intact enough that they are still able to require that you actually own the game), but it's still just a copyright issue. they have already violated copyright law by providing binary copies of the game. so who cares at this point. in for a penny in for a pound
also no matter what any kind of enforcement would require badspot to care. b4v21 has been around long enough (and they were doing the same DRM circumvention before this "rebuilt" version) that it doesn't really seem like he does. I guess he could somehow be unaware of it but I probably wouldn't make that assumption myself

also who gives a stuff if they ban people. play a different forgetin game then. nobody's forcing you to play a game that makes you mad
« Last Edit: July 18, 2023, 03:34:00 PM by Foxscotch »

holy crap watch dogs 2 reference

gmod is a good example of how 2000sy graphics age poorly and shouldnt be taken seriously. badspot and rotondo were right in their explainers about removing maps even if the decision was guided by engine complications. if nostalgia bait were a stable community development tool then people would still be playing darkrp but it sucks and is buggy so they dont
yeah tbh @drydess your notes just gave off major hater vibes
i am a hater, because i actually still play the game unlike nearly every person in this thread. hence my main point is about how theyre dividing the userbase unnecessarily. "shaders + maps the game" is cool but not if it renders 15 years of extensive, universal usermade content useless in a game where none of these content creators stuck around to make it compatible with your mod. everything else in the wonderful MLD list couldve just been released as a package in the base game

also who gives a stuff if they ban people. play a different forgetin game then. nobody's forcing you to play a game that makes you mad
i actually care very little for this part and am fine with it i was just dissecting the video
« Last Edit: July 18, 2023, 05:31:44 PM by Drydess »

Probably less features and more annoying to have a bunch of 3D previews in one GUI on an older version of TGE
also blr is on the same version of tge though? or is it not, correct me then. ease of access being the tagline to a game mod that breaks every other game mod is handicapped and idk why youre fine with this being seemingly a permanent issue for blr
« Last Edit: July 18, 2023, 05:46:48 PM by Drydess »