Author Topic: how have the last 5 years been for you?  (Read 30590 times)

Geese thread will never die.
Blockland got decompiled.

As for me? Work, family, and guns. The grind never ends but I got folks and hobbies to balance out the pain. I imagine you have done the same.

Welcome back, and

do you remember me 🥺

welcome back smug anime historian guy

Been working for the last 4 at the same job doing work for people who hate my ass, but it's fine I get paid below minimum wage and get set to stuffholes around the world

im still trying to get diamond in league of legends

Doing alright, glad to see that you guys are still here.

Just the average normal thing you can expect every Blockland forumer to go through in the past 5 years. A family member completely shattering my reputation throughout my entire family through lying, thinking about Self Delete for several months after, lots of therapy, starting gender transition which saved my life and never thought about Self Delete again, staying low profile from my family while I worked on myself, I lose my insurance which ends up repairing my relationship with most of my family while I make the decision to go live with someone I met on the internet 2500 miles away, going to a community college to get my GED then going there for real living out the best days of my life, and now I'm planning a trip to meet my boyfriend I met on the internet.

You know, the usual stuff we all go through. How about you?

Politeful, standard English greetinf

Low effort, two letter word. You can do better Conan, how've you been these last 5 years?

Just the average normal thing you can expect every Blockland forumer to go through in the past 5 years. A family member completely shattering my reputation throughout my entire family through lying, thinking about Self Delete for several months after, lots of therapy, starting gender transition which saved my life and never thought about Self Delete again, staying low profile from my family while I worked on myself, I lose my insurance which ends up repairing my relationship with most of my family while I make the decision to go live with someone I met on the internet 2500 miles away, going to a community college to get my GED then going there for real living out the best days of my life, and now I'm planning a trip to meet my boyfriend I met on the internet.

You know, the usual stuff we all go through. How about you?

Jairooooo!!! hello old face !!!

Just been working and stuff tbh. Got myself into a pretty good gig that would normally require some secondary education, but with a stroke of luck and a couple years of relevant experience I got my foot in the door.

Now I'm dealing with the fact I purchased a car I could not afford, downsized it to something cheaper but still new and had to roll over a hefty amount of the old loan onto the new cars loan - and now I'm getting raped on payments for that. I'm making enough money to pay for all the necessities and still go out and do things, as well as spend money on my hobbies, but I have absolutely zero savings and it's pretty tuff lol. Don't finance stuff you can't afford folks.

Also random sidenote, I'm trying to figure out how so many people in my age group I know are traveling constantly? Many people I know I look at their Instagram's or whatever and they're traveling inter-continentally all of the time. I know I make more than they do, how do they afford it? Rack up credit cards? Parents help out? Whatever the case I'm pretty jealous, I wanna travel. I've never gone anywhere. Maybe they're just not buying cars they can't afford like I did, lol.

I'm sick of the inflation bullstuff too, mainly in regards to food. I don't see how I'm supposed to spend less than 400 a month on food. I know it's popular to meal prep, but I don't want to just cook a weeks worth of the same goyslop I bought for dirt and live off that you know? Life's too short to be cheaping out and eating nothing but chicken and white rice every day until I'm not poor anymore, idk

no yeah this inflation is rapidly making me want to pass away