Author Topic: how have the last 5 years been for you?  (Read 30859 times)

starting gender transition which saved my life and never thought about Self Delete again
trymos more like tranmos lol :cookieMonster: how do i get the Dont Think About Self Delete oil too lol lmao

yeah loans you can’t budget enough to pay is killer. gl getting out of debt and never get back in it.

you can usually still cook decent meals way cheaper than eating out, though it takes more work planning it out to overlap ingredient usage to keep a variety of meals. Can also just mix some days cooking and others not, and learning how to cook the most expensive food you would otherwise order.

Politeful, standard English greetinf

Low effort, two letter word. You can do better Conan, how've you been these last 5 years?
graduated college and now working in industry. moved out. nothing special really

yeah loans you can’t budget enough to pay is killer. gl getting out of debt and never get back in it.

you can usually still cook decent meals way cheaper than eating out, though it takes more work planning it out to overlap ingredient usage to keep a variety of meals.

The blockhead who got a car they couldn't afford goofed, always buy used, but what's wrong with loans? My parents got em, my parents parents (now dead) had em, I'll have em. Its just the way it is. Education you can balance, but education and a house? Were all ducked unless we live with our parents, in which case housing isn't a problem.

Food isn't a problem unless you eat out. If your super remote you better have livestock/garden. If youre urban there are food drives and hand outs. Its not that complicated, at least where I am there's plenty of free food to save your money.

Also lmao, I don't remember the last time I saw a savings account. None of my friends or relatives have savings that grow. Its always they stock it up, emergency empties it, stock it up, emergency, etc

Also you can afford to eat out more than once a month? Look at fancy money bags over here. I probably could afford eating out though if ammo wasn't so expensive. Time to pick up reloading. Priorities...

TLDR, economy isn't THAT bad. I mean its bad but don't die early because of it.

starting gender transition which saved my life and never thought about Self Delete again
im happy to read this is working out for you.
tw: common sense, gender dysphoria
a long time ago, while everyone was still frequently posting here, i was also in gender transition therapy and posted about it. i didn't suspect it at the time, but the hate i received for it actually did part in making me quit the gender transition therapy.
i can't blame it fully on what people have said to me, and threatened 'what would happen' to me, because i quit the therapy as 'non-binary'; figuring out that this was the way for me in life.
its now indeed 5 years or so later, and i haven't continued the gender transition therapy, im almost 26, and i know and can feel that this was a big mistake. of course there is still time, but im no longer a college student with less worries in my life. returning to gender transition therapy now will be significantly harder than when i was younger, along with having to somehow find out on my lonesome how to 'go back'.
this has always laid heavy on my heart to say and admit, its basically a 'they won' story, or at least thats how it feels to me, today. i can remember how i was linked a horrifying 'regret' story about a post-op transfemale, and how it left a mark on me despite blatantly being fake. a sort of 'shock story' to 'scare the transes straight'. i wish it didn't work on me as 20 something year old.
sooner or later im privileged to a inheritance which will majorly aid me in opening up room to live, and ill be returning to gender therapy, to finally become who i am.

Funny you bring up food drives, they upped my pay (oooh like 10 bucks more per pay!) And now I can't use any of the local food drives, it's kinda crazy. Food goes up and I can't afford it and bills on my second paycheck usually but I can't use food drives.
Thankfully I did get WIC so thats a big part of my paycheck saved for other types of food.
Gas prices went down quite a bit around here but forget I haven't had a full tank since it was 1.50 for diesel here

yeah loans you can’t budget enough to pay is killer. gl getting out of debt and never get back in it.

you can usually still cook decent meals way cheaper than eating out, though it takes more work planning it out to overlap ingredient usage to keep a variety of meals. Can also just mix some days cooking and others not, and learning how to cook the most expensive food you would otherwise order.
graduated college and now working in industry. moved out. nothing special really
Thanks my boyah!

I am keeping up with payments and have never missed one, but I'm in a position where I can't really put any money into savings - it sucks, but I'm getting by still. I got a small debt consolidation loan to pay off some other nonsense that had insane interest and I'm just gonna pay that off ASAP with my yearly work bonus, then all Ill have to worry about is the car payment debt wise. I should be hopefully getting a substantial raise at work this year too, we'll see.

I've looked into buying fresh stuff to just prep at home and it's expensive as well. A pack of two pork chops is like eight dollars. It's ridiculous.

The blockhead who got a car they couldn't afford goofed, always buy used, but what's wrong with loans? My parents got em, my parents parents (now dead) had em, I'll have em. Its just the way it is. Education you can balance, but education and a house? Were all ducked unless we live with our parents, in which case housing isn't a problem.

Food isn't a problem unless you eat out. If your super remote you better have livestock/garden. If youre urban there are food drives and hand outs. Its not that complicated, at least where I am there's plenty of free food to save your money.

Also lmao, I don't remember the last time I saw a savings account. None of my friends or relatives have savings that grow. Its always they stock it up, emergency empties it, stock it up, emergency, etc

Also you can afford to eat out more than once a month? Look at fancy money bags over here. I probably could afford eating out though if ammo wasn't so expensive. Time to pick up reloading. Priorities...

TLDR, economy isn't THAT bad. I mean its bad but don't die early because of it.

Buying used sounds like it's worth the time until you realize a used car is likely to develop problems, since you know it's an older car. I decided I'd rather pay for something new so I have the piece of mind of not worrying about stuff breaking for 5+ years.

Food drives and handouts are for the needy/poor, none of which I qualify for. The economy does suck, the only people I know banking money are those working 12+ hours a day, or have multiple jobs. I don't think the red pilled "pick yourself up by your boot straps and work your ass off" is reasonable to expect anyone to do in order to live comfortably. I'm not sure why working 60+ hours a week in order to save money is normalized in the USA, these conditions are considered bullstuff everywhere else in the world lol

Funny you bring up food drives, they upped my pay (oooh like 10 bucks more per pay!) And now I can't use any of the local food drives,
Most third party or church food drives dont ask any personal info, just your name, at least where im at.

I get it.  Not much you can do about it though.

I'm not sure why working 60+ hours a week in order to save money is normalized in the USA, these conditions are considered bullstuff everywhere else in the world lol
Not everywhere else though, only small pockets of europe. There are some places of europe that are just as bad, if not worse, and most of the world (china, india, most of Asia, africa) work/pay conditions are much much worse for most jobs. Obviously specialists in these places have better work conditions but they do in the US too.

So 5 years ago woulda been shortly after i went back to college after being a depressed pothead for a few years working on programming a graphics and physics engine.

So yeah, went back to school found a passion for theater and changed my major from robotics (during this time i was briefly living out of my truck and working nearly full time at the library while taking a full schedule of classes.) Transferred to one of the top universities in the world and thanks to financial aid and co-op housing had a really great (and affordable) time just being a student, graduated with highest honors.
Pandemic kinda forgeted things cause live performance closed down the year I graduated but even before I graduated I directed and acted a bunch and now things are opening up again I've been resuming directing and acting, and am going to be in my first lead role in a non-university based production this summer. I've also had a couple of kids (which has slowed the acting and directing stuff a bit but its worth it), broke my pot habit, and am pretty well settled for the first time in my life, doing art and writing and theater.

Everyone finds success at their own pace.  Things might suck now, but there's always hope. It might take more work to find the opportunities looking for scholarships or finding the assitance programs you need to get on your feet, and I have to say im fortunate as forget to be a white, straight-passing, able-bodied male, cause I wouldnt have had nearly as many people offering me help especially when I was homeless and trying to go to school and needed an address so I could apply for jobs etc.

But yeah. TL;DR grew up into an actual person.

Barely graduated highschool. Job hopped (because I didn't want to pay for college) at pretty much every entry-level position in my town until I found myself in a rut. Enlisted in the Marine Corps, failed basic training. Came home, got a basic job with tons of free time but wanted more money, so stuck my foot in the door at a pretty high paying job in my town. Been there for four years now and I make 6 figures a year. Considering taking up flight school now.

Trying to manage my mental health through sheer will and determination, and maintain all my relationships with various friend groups. Life for me is good right now, but despite all my various friend groups, I feel alone.

Barely graduated highschool. Came home, got a basic job with tons of free time but wanted more money, so stuck my foot in the door at a pretty high paying job in my town. Been there for four years now and I make 6 figures a year.
What's the line of work?

What's the line of work?

Dude that's Jesse pinkman you're talking to