Author Topic: does anyone here use DPI cycling while in-game  (Read 10288 times)

y'know that feature gaming B) mice have that let you change sensitivity on the fly? have you ever used this feature? do these people actually exists? what kind of games do you play with it?
im inclined to believe only psychos use this feature, and yet its so default in gamer mice. like 'when u snipe the sniper down the scope, u can ADAPT ur sensitivity on the FLY and snipe the snipes even BETTER' no thats not how it works! you wanna get used to one constant sensitivity so it becomes muscle memory! idk, whatever

yeah i used it a few times when i first had a mouse with that feature but i just ended up getting used to the normal sensitivity i use since it was faster, i wasnt trying to press another button whilst aiming anymore
can be useful at times but more often than not theres not much reason to

Well, over the years I have been told that I am rather "idiosyncratic" with my "gaming" habits. Particularly with the aforementioned; "Changing DPI while in game". I've lost many friends and even lovers over this, but I typically found myself using it to grind the all time 2012 video game classic: 'Survive the Slenderman... [ DYNAMIC LIGHTING ]'

I can provide a video example if necessary     

I change dpi when necessary. Rarely, but necessary. There is no advantage to over moving the slider on your mouse driver or windows sensitivity or game setting for how rarely I use it, but its okay I guess.

I have to go into my mouse settings and make sure the buttons disabled. loving stupid ass feature.

I'd use a flat mouse acceleration program long before ever using a dpi button.

it's not awful in 2D games

occasionally i use this feature in terraria because when building i dont want my mouse jumping all over the place, but in any other game it's super annoying. i tend to keep my cursor at high speed.

i would turn it off but i get a lot of use out of during creative endeavors, it's nice to have in blender.

i feel like in theory on-the-fly DPI switching could be good in CSGO. good CSGO players use very low mouse sensitivity in order to improve their recoil control, but the disadvantage of that is they can't turn around very quickly. you could kinda get the best of both worlds with a mouse button switches DPI while held

i feel like in theory on-the-fly DPI switching could be good in CSGO. good CSGO players use very low mouse sensitivity in order to improve their recoil control, but the disadvantage of that is they can't turn around very quickly. you could kinda get the best of both worlds with a mouse button switches DPI while held
I just got a bigger mouse pad and it makes for a good work out.