when everything had its own website, be it a game, a game server, or just a community based around a topic.
today everything is just centralised onto a subpar social media platform like discord, and we all complain about it when they do something stupid for the 20th time this year. but nobody is willing to get off these platforms and start something of their own, free from the stuff we have to put up with when using a big name, out of touch, buggy platform.
twitter's stuffshow is proof that no matter how bad it gets people will never leave their collapsing platform, but will absolutely continue to moan about it and threaten moving to whatever alternate platform is being developed at the time, of which a few will do for a week then come crawling straight back once they realise nobody else moved over with them.
the real kicker is that we used to be able to do this - digg fell catastrophically when they began loving up which gave way to reddit, and now that reddit is loving up they're still standing strong as the alternate platforms that popped up return to obscurity.