Author Topic: I feel like a completely different person  (Read 1890 times)

i dont even really know why i felt like saying this, but i woke up feeling like i should post this

i don't know if it's my age, or the fact i moved out of the inner city, but within the past 2-5 years i have grown and felt like i changed completely

i was absolutely insane and looking back i realize that i kind of treated people like stuff, burned bridges and just was completely batstuff to anyone i could get close to. i had too much pride in the past to admit i was wrong, but i know now i was a crazy bitch lol

when i look back at my past, i actually do realize there was a lot of self destructive behavior and a lot of lashing out on my end. i was also pretty manipulative whenever i felt like i needed attention, which i definitely feel guilty for from time to time.

i'm only bringing this up for context and closure; i had extremely bad habits, made bad life choices when i lived in the city, i didn't get along with my parents, and had some weird stuff happen to me and got really sick when i was young etc. this all probably contributed to my personality issues but i was still an starfish. i used these kinds of things to excuse being crazy and having bad habits for a really long time

i realize now that my life being imperfect was not a reason to mentally abuse other people.

the only reason i forgive myself for these things is because i was a troubled teen, but that doesn't mean i don't acknowledge it was wrong and that i was a jerk to people i actually still care about. i dont feel like i have to hate anymore.

this morning i sat down and talked to my husband, and we both miss a lot of people we used talk to on here. he misses his old friends, and so do i.

so i suppose the point of this thread was to say that i'm sorry to the people i hurt

that means you have grown as a person.

im in the same boat. I wish i handled past relationships with friends and exes differently. mental maturity back then was definitely lackluster compared to now. wish I couldve said how I felt to people I cared about back when they were still around.

that means you have grown as a person.

im in the same boat. I wish i handled past relationships with friends and exes differently. mental maturity back then was definitely lackluster compared to now. wish I couldve said how I felt to people I cared about back when they were still around.
i feel this lol

i never really understood the saying "hindsight is 20/20" until i was about 21, but still had some issues up until like the year or so. i dont know if we were just late bloomers emotionally, but it feels like growing has slapped me in the face recently

a combination of moving (thus knowing i'll never see a lot of these people again) and coming back on here that really struck all the right nerves. im still having realizations even now, as recently as this month, regarding stuff i should get together.

OMG you mean to say you went through the trials and tribulations and grew as a person?? I've never heard of that before!!!! No way :OOOOO

half the people on here is nuts, i dont remember you sticking out
and whoevers still here is nuts for sticking around for so long... ahaha.

grats on becoming completely different from ur previous self. it happens aometimes what with the learning from mistakes and trying to be a better u

OMG you mean to say you went through the trials and tribulations and grew as a person?? I've never heard of that before!!!! No way :OOOOO

IKR zomg becuz im so quirky n randum xD :O