i know the badspot article stuff is old news at this point, but the most damning part to me is not the actual content being offensive or whatever, but that the entire article is unoriginal and unfunny (this is far more offensive to me). like the conversation about le ugly vidya woman is by no means a new revelation or something badspot himself discovered, it's just regurgitating the same coomer malding you could read on 4chan any day of the week. furthermore, i already had memes saved about this very issue before the article was posted here (although they were much funnier than the memes posted badspot shared in the article)
so then surely to justify reposting this, badspot must have been at least a little transformative in his brown townysis then, right? wrong. it's still the same stuff. just take some images of 3-4 modern AAA games (make sure they are easy targets like TLOU2) and add a caption with a variation of "Look!! Woman Ugly!! Laugh!!". maybe an argument could have been made that, oh i don't know, perhaps character design in video games isn't as artistic or sophisticated as it used to be (
), but no thats too brown townytical, apparently the only comparisons we can make are between either cartoonishly ugly goblin people or busty/curvy goon bait.
and as for the humor, well, there really is no humor. it all just hinges on the idea that you are a terminal 4chan user who already agrees with the article before even reading it, with the "humor" comes from how it makes your enemy group angry. actually, one part that is pretty funny is that collage #6 has Kimberly form SF6, a game with a cast of turbo babes (Chun-Li, Juri, Cammy etc). considering what the article is about, seems pretty contradictory, right? makes you wonder why Kimberly was singled out.....
i know badspot didnt make the collages but he had to agree with the content or it wouldn't be here, in his articlereally the faq just gives it away that the entire point of the article is to 'own the libtards' on a website that gets tens of views a month. (most of which were probably coming from the BLF). honestly a lot of the content on badspot's website has the unfunny boomer humor, so much so that it's almost like a parody. like i could imagine badspot as an old man, sitting on a bench, shouting and wagging his fists at passersby when he sees a woman with a tattoo or high melanin level.
sorry for the autism rant i forgot to post this when it was topical and had to get it off my chest.