Author Topic: Dedicated in V21? (help section is dead, sorry)  (Read 5604 times)

I'm trying to start a dedicated in V21 but I can't seem to find a way to actually start one. The steam version doesn't have one, using the dedicated server launcher from the non-steam v21 just resulted in a failed authentication and I can't find any good documentation regarding my issue.
I noticed a lot of V21 servers are dedicated so I know it's possible, I just can't figure it out for the life of me 

Use -dedicated as a launch argument.

I got the server itself to open and authenticate, now I'm just stuck at the issue that my router sucks and doesn't want to let people join. Ports are forwarded, I even tried DMZ which usually works

I got it all working now, I fiddled with the upnp and had someone join

don't you also need the -dtoken argument for dedi servers?
Only if you use the .bat file as mentioned in the first link:
The token is like a password that allows a dedicated server to post a listing to the master server in your name, without having to install steam.

Only if you use the .bat file as mentioned in the first link:
oh woops guess i missed that last part, thnx for the heads up