Author Topic: I keep opening the forum to see if there's anything new and interesting on here  (Read 42838 times)

Wow, it's been a while - almost three years! I was browsing through my history when I stumbled on this post, so I figured I might as well reply.

I last posted on the forums on December 23rd, 2020. A lot's happened in my life in these last three years.

On December 25th, 2021, I realized I'm trans. I came out to my family and friends, started HRT, lost old friends, gained new friends, changed my name, got a girlfriend, got in a car crash, got a job to pay for my HRT, all the while looking to find a tech job that'll hire some random woman with no academic credentials or professional experience to speak of. Fun times!

Blockland holds a lot of memories for me, both good and bad. I remember the friendships I had across nearly a decade that I was part of this community, most of whom I've lost touch with and will probably never hear from again. I remember all the wonderful game mods I wrote and servers I hosted, and the fun times we had. I also remember the toxicity this community could bring, and how somehow Blockland always brought out the worst version of myself. More than anything else, that was why I stopped hosting - I don't like the person I become when I host.

To everyone I met, thank you for the good experiences we had, and I apologize for adding to the bad.
hi I just wanted to say that I am glad you posted because I thought of your TDMs a while back and how they were always the most fun and creative ones.

glad to see you are doing great!

I still remember lots of the people I knew here, for a given value of "knew", and the good and bad times...

For the game itself...

  • The demo, back when a cousin of mine showed it to me at my great-aunt's house, and later during our birthday party (four of us had birthdays around the same time), right after everything went silent during the blowing out the candles, a sudden "DAH!" coming out of the computer room because I'd thrown myself off a tower in the 150-brick-limit demo made of 64x cubes or smth ten minutes earlier.
  • My earliest days, when being a 30ker who could script was a huge deal and I wrecked the hell out of some ID-national socialists.
  • Tomtom, whose trench TDM was great but I always ended up disappearing in the middle of a project whenever we worked on stuff later. Reinfield, one of the only people there whose gunning skill matched my own... AndreZ and Speedblade, too, maybe Seh. Tom's admins Danny Boy and Darren. Tom's chatbot BoB (nobody ever figured out the acronym afaik) who could forcekill you if you said "Bob give me money", he'd go "*pulls out gun* No you hand it over".
  • Honor and his honormining, same honestly, I was really bad about just... disappearing from things. Every loving time. I'm sorry, guys :(
  • Some cityRPG where Darkeh and Ikoyian abused glitches to ruin the game for everyone else for a whole day and no admins came online ever. Two of Ikoyian's alts came by in the next week raging about Ikoyian getting banned for it.
  • Cysero's medieval RP servers, later Annie's medieval RP, me accidentally causing a revolt among the admin staff of the latter, who tried to bring back the former and utterly failed due to scope creep. Glooper the slightly vindictive bro and Arkenov the powergamer (magic cyborg werewolf wtf) and Samantha who said "kinky" about everything and got on our nerves and her friend Tal who tried to bomb our terraria server. Joltarn who was a reasonable admin, and that starfish ThinkInvisible who demanded I define "is" when I was disputing a policy of his. Ice Dragon Empire who said "ide" instead of "i'd" every single goddamn time just for the stuff pun. Someone getting on our nerves asking over and over and over to be the princess (there was no government in the scope of the RP), and me banning her with the reason "It takes a special kind of person to be the princess. You are a different kind of special."
  • Kniaz and his Zombies in the Bluzone RP. IkeTheGeneric, Nemeroth who may or may not have been Giroian, and I think that was the server I met Audax on? That or one of the other RPs. Audax put into words really well the whole "admin is a responsibility not a fun time" thing.
  • Other trench TDMs like Reinforcements and Glass's. Tezuni's CTF and various randomizer DMs and TDMs.Cool people like SKrafe and H.M. Murdock and mlkbear and Nixton and Cougar and chris!, some of the only people who could hold their own against me in those because I got gud.
  • Me absolutely HATING the Auto Shotgun from Frog's Weapons because it spawned so many projectiles so fast that it lagged my client and got me killed so many times.
  • Scenery/Gytywhatevertheforgethisnamewas's Battlemix, with all the hilariously OP weapons, like the Auto Sniper Rifle that fired so fast you could fly on its recoil, the OP Shotgun that sprayed at least 20 fifty-damage bullets and you could ALSO fly with via recoil, the OP and Competent Magnums and the Guns Tetrakaikimbo Akimbo that I made and the Tomahawk and the Homahawk and the OP Tomahawk and my favorite weapon of all to be assigned an everyone-has-this-only round, the Bear 360 Calories that was a hitscan sniper only while you pulled it out and did its forced 360 and utter garbage afterward. The Spammer Rocket Launcher and the Amazing Mixashot random guns. God I miss that server.
  • The time my brother got banned from a prison escape (Tezuni's?) for "cheating" because everyone else just sucked so bad in comparison that he gunned down like thirty people in one round lmao
  • The time me and my brother discovered a glitch on TheBlackParrot's mining server where you could upgrade a stat that had PART of a stat name to upgrade an imaginary glitch stat, and we both at the same moment upgraded our "pee" levels (part of "speed").
  • This one guy, Vampire Man Soldier (or Creeper Man Soldier) who kept showing up on TDMs and Boss Battles servers over the years, and when I killed him, ONLY ME, NOBODY ELSE GOT THIS RESPONSE, he'd go "no freekilling king of bill". On a TDM. Yeah.
  • That time on... I think one of Glass's trench tdms?... Ravencroft killed Pench 35 times in a row without dying. It was hilarious. Poor Pench. He was such a good sport about the whole thing too, just... maybe not the brightest bulb since he kept trying the same thing over and over and over. Too bad Ravencroft turned out to be an asshat.
  • The time I tried to make a default manor build with monuments to major figures in Blockland history, then Ephialtes quit while I was in the middle of it. Sad he turned out to be a piece of stuff too (but that goes in a drama topic).
  • Eepos and Computermix and Dotdotcircle making blhack and its aimbot and wallhack, later briefly playing nice on the forums, then bragging on servers about their grand plans to destroy Blockland, and then me PMing Badspot screenshots of that.
  • Okiver ruining Amazon key purchasing for everyone and DDoSing the master server repeatedly.
  • Glass and Emo Nation running a trolling clan "we32" out of sockpuppet accounts, turning out to have phished over 50 keys from poor newbies who didn't know better, like Brad10 and Bulletspeed and Pvt. Yesrin and Ryan55. Glass bragging about it to me on steam (including posting 3 of the actual keys). Glass and Emo Nation suddenly and mysteriously getting all 50+ of their keys revoked the next day.
  • The other trollign clan, the Triple T Trollers, and its nefarious leader Kozak.
  • The pirate-ships-in-the-rain-with-ghouls speedkart track I never finished.
  • The SCP-Containment-Breach-style map I never finished.
  • The enormous museum build I never finished because my computer was a potato and sloped bricks have omni quads that are never hidden from rendering.
  • The Vectorman gamemode I never finished because I couldn't figure out how the hell to make the Bolo Shot (a large projectile, when all projectiles in BL are infinitely tiny points, and meant to be a piercing one at that, which BL ALSO doesn't support).
  • The early iterations of the Speedkart gamemode, where the light weight of the karts and BL's hilariously bad physics engine caused every collision to send both participants careening off into the distance.
  • The one time in the Hydro speedkart track in the final Speedkart gamemode, where a collision right out of the starting line launched someone's kart into the sky and it came back down on the finish line platform and they thus set a truly unbeatable record.
  • The bug in Frog's Weapons where the reload function saved ammo counts as a slot variable in a long and convoluted reload ammo shift around instead of just being straightforward about it, resulting in a bug where you could throw a weapon away mid-reload and then pick up a different weapon to load the old weapon's ammo count into the new weapon's magazine, insanely abusable with things like flamers and their 9999 clips getting shifted over to sniper rifles or grenade launchers. Me making a fix for that bug and then not posting it on the forums for some reason.
  • Apak's Speedkart With Guns.
  • Renderman, and also the Render gamemode stuff and Renderman Hunt servers.
  • Gravity Cat's... idk, some kind of steampunk blimp TDM? I didn't go there often, too much other stuff I was doing although it was cool as hell.
  • Pecon7's boss battles and its long and storied career. Powerdag getting kicked off the admin team for making his own special admin-only boss, something something super Riddler, and then using it on people. Me getting "Spamus" and "Dork Spamus" added to the chat filter there.
  • TheBlackParrot on a falling platforms server with his markov chain chatbot, and some wiseguy spamming "shark tiddy" at it a gajillion times to turn it into a furry.
  • Jorgur's medieval RPG that was ended by V21 eating his custom map (which was just a mass of terrain valleys). GSF Ghost's cities likewise perishing.
  • siba's neat brick packs.
  • TacoTuesdayOrBust22, who I remember little about besides the name.
  • Jayce's Dungeon Raiders in the later days of Blockland, and the time I actually managed to survive one of the rounds as a pocket medic, only one other survivor who "won" (because he did more damage to the boss) and the other two who got to the boss room with us but I wasn't quite fast enough to save. Me getting really pissed at Jayce because right when I was convincing my brother to give it a try Jayce swapped it to a troll server Furry RP.
  • Someone creating a server where he and another player recreated Hello Neighbor as an admin acting the part, with a side of Bendy and the Ink Machine. Then they ban you at the end so that other people can get a chance to play it too. It was pretty cool.
  • Redguy's Unlimited Mining, and naming my user ore "Stop Picking On Me".
  • Some dumbass named MY LITTLE PWN YOUR ASS! claiming to be admin on a freebuild server that he so clearly wasn't admin on and threatening to ban me for calling his 1x1 spam build spam.
  • Some starfish named Crystalbubble making 1x1 spam towers and shooting them a ton to lag the server via ghosting spam, me telling him off, and him going "You wanna touch my bubble?" and other vaguely creepy innuendo.
  • Unodacat's Zombie City Madness, a really cool zombie city hunt for money and weapons gamemode that died not long after I started it... I wish I'd learned more about that place.

For the forums...
  • Trinick/Slicksilver getting his key revoked every time he did anything at all because of his involvement in the group that also created blhack, because Trinick was serious about reverse-engineering Blockland and was writing server addons in C++ or something. Ipquarx getting into their forum, posting a link and a way to get in and see all the stuff, Trinick replacing the forum with a "Just kidding -Ipquarx", Ipquarx turning out to have backed up the whole thing in advance just in case of that exact scenario...
  • Electrk, who I remember little about besides me getting him confused with Joltarn because they both had electric-themed names.
  • Moonstar Akemi getting silently banned and revoked once Badspot found out that he was LewnaJa, and everyone wondering where he went off to years later.
  • Kalphiter being a dumbass everywhere. Pacnet and Hammereditor with the same problem.
  • Ipquarx trying to help me learn programming when I was still a dumbass noob who understood little, and the gamemode I was trying to create that literally never got off the ground (an underwater procedurally-generated salvage pit full of sunken ships and monster clouds lurking in the water, with material mechanics similar to Honormining).
  • Masterrockets and Tikitai and Dargerelden and I think Mr. McCakey from the Brony thread. Aphtonites who was an enormous hypocrite, posting "Ablablabloobloo stop posting things I don't like! It's offensive and hard to ignore! :(" in response to some douche angry about that thread's existence and then completely flipping out over the existence of fluffy ponies. Atlas/Aeris who did some cryptic stupidity and came in with a sock and got banned again.
  • Zapk who abused the forget out of an eval exploit to crash servers and delete people's addon folders.
  • Zeblote, who... tbh I don't remember stuff besides the name. Nightfox, who was a furry and apparently is also OP. Masterlegodude who cropped up all over. Jerkface who lived up to his name. Mr. Nobody.
  • Destroyer, the EMT who dropped into drama threads to lay down some actual loving sense, to the point that some day in june, july, or august was declared "Be Like Destroyer Day" in some other thread.
  • I do remember Mr. Queeba being a bit of a doofus.
  • ...Mura's ARG on the forums, I remember that.
  • Navaro and his guy aggressively strumming a stringed instrument avatar...
  • Heitmeyer, Zealot, Boltster, DrenDran, Wrapperup...
  • Bisjac being, in hindsight, an enormous creep.
  • The thread "Hi I'm alt here"
  • Redconer and his early days of going around as Redboner and me misreading his name as Redcorner.
  • Florb, Florbb, and Florbbb.
  • The memes about Mocheeze being dead. Also Facechild getting banned for admitting to trolling.

and there are more bittersweet memories, particularly of people who seem lost to time. a lot of people had this experience with vegetarian zombie, who dropped off the face of the earth, as far as I know. my steam friends list shows them as "last online 11 years ago". we weren't close, but it's still sad.
Ah, yeah... zacks (here on BLF, Hanezane001 on Steam) vanished 4 years ago. I played on a minecraft server with him once, where I used the power of MATH to locate the remaining Strongholds from the coordinates of the other known ones.

Probably dead tbh, people die young all the time and nobody ever knows online...

I wonder a lot about whether all of the people I remember so fondly also remember me. if they think about me as often as I do them. do I occupy a space in skelolego's heart, like he does in mine? does gravity cat remember talking on MSN when our time zones lined up? I tend to assume they don't. I have an awful little maladaptive habit of thinking of myself as a background character in other people's lives. it's not very realistic, but I can't help it. maybe I need therapy lol. I find myself assuming that they must not think of me, since they stopped talking to me. but that's not really fair, because I stopped talking to them too

and on the other side of the same coin, how many people do remember me, think of me occasionally, who I've forgotten? sometimes I take a nostalgic trip through old posts, usually with some purpose that I soon forget about in favor of reading pages upon pages of forum threads from the old days. that's how I ended up here tonight, in case that's not already obvious. tonight I saw a thread asking everyone who they'd like to meet in person someday, and I found posts from myself and shinji/strovbe mentioning each other. but now, tonight, I can't recall a single memory involving them. their name feels familiar, but that's all I can muster up. yet, at the time, they must have been somehow important to me, and I to them. do they, maybe, think of me? would they be sad to read this post and find that I don't remember them? if they do, am I responsible for that? should I have done more to remember them? rhetorical questions
tbh i stopped messaging people first when I realized that I was actually a really obnoxious starfish with no social skills and literally nobody actually wanted to hear from me. Forums are okay because there's a topic, but one on one? Yeah no nobody wants that stuff. God, I ruined so many things for so many people.

It's really forgeted up that my greatest fear and my greatest hope are the same: to be forgotten.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2023, 10:58:52 PM by King of the Bill »

I wonder a lot about whether all of the people I remember so fondly also remember me. if they think about me as often as I do them. do I occupy a space in skelolego's heart, like he does in mine? does gravity cat remember talking on MSN when our time zones lined up? I tend to assume they don't. I have an awful little maladaptive habit of thinking of myself as a background character in other people's lives. it's not very realistic, but I can't help it. maybe I need therapy lol. I find myself assuming that they must not think of me, since they stopped talking to me. but that's not really fair, because I stopped talking to them too
tbh i stopped messaging people first when I realized that I was actually a really obnoxious starfish with no social skills and literally nobody actually wanted to hear from me. Forums are okay because there's a topic, but one on one? Yeah no nobody wants that stuff.
I feel both of these sentiments

It's tough to see a game and community that was memorable to people slowly fade away even on the forums. I still remember the first few servers I joined and the first people I really met and talked to here. Wishing you all the best

I have to give a shotuout to the old maps aswell while I'm here. Bedroom and Slopes were my favorites - they were ways fun to build in and just have fun with others on.

I do remember Mr. Queeba being a bit of a doofus.
haha, yeah i said some really dumb stuff on the forums when i was younger. being a naive 10-13 year old on here wasnt exactly the greatest idea lmfao
Scenery/Gytywhatevertheforgethisnamewas's Battlemix, with all the hilariously OP weapons, like the Auto Sniper Rifle that fired so fast you could fly on its recoil, the OP Shotgun that sprayed at least 20 fifty-damage bullets and you could ALSO fly with via recoil, the OP and Competent Magnums and the Guns Tetrakaikimbo Akimbo that I made and the Tomahawk and the Homahawk and the OP Tomahawk and my favorite weapon of all to be assigned an everyone-has-this-only round, the Bear 360 Calories that was a hitscan sniper only while you pulled it out and did its forced 360 and utter garbage afterward. The Spammer Rocket Launcher and the Amazing Mixashot random guns. God I miss that server.
the greatest blockland server ever made imo
« Last Edit: December 04, 2023, 03:23:00 PM by Mr Queeba »

haha, yeah i said some really dumb stuff on the forums when i was younger. being a naive 10-13 year old on here wasnt exactly the greatest idea lmfaothe greatest blockland server ever made imo

I did the exact same lol, somehow avoided a lot of the dumb stuff too.

also holy hell no other game has been able to replicate battlemix, no greater feeling than getting a loadout you know you'll win with

I'm still in contact with BluetoothBoy, GhostStar, and carolcat on a somewhat frequent basis, though generally not having much conversation. There's a few others that I'm friends with on Discord and Steam but don't interact with.

I stayed in contact with Electrk for a few years after Blockland faded from my priorities although I don't believe I have contact with him anymore.

I'm in a group with some of the old Tezuni crew but I don't really participate or remember to check in because I've always felt like an odd man out with them. Being an admin for Tezuni and Zapk was always one of my favorite things to do on BL towards the end, but was a dead end with no lasting friendships. The only one I really missed was Apak.

I used to have a lot of fun in game with Kalphiter in the dogfight servers (Heedicalking, The Brighter Dark, etc). Initially, he'd just harass me and mock me whenever he'd kill me, but I got better and would turn his same tricks on him so I could mock him right back. It kind of turned into a friendly rivalry where we'd intentionally get on opposite teams just to banter back and forth. His Steam says Last Online 2494 days ago. The only thing that could ever get me back into Blockland for real fun would be for an old original dogfight with stunt planes, biplanes, tanks, capture points, AA turrets, Ephialtes' shotgun, Kaje's sniper rifle, and the default rocket launcher.

Like most anyone else, Blockland was a core memory of me growing up and learning about maturity. I still have a fondness for the game and the old friends who went on to live their lives. The forum reminds me now of a VFW post with old vets. There's fewer coming back as time goes on and a whole lot of reminiscing.

just fyi kalphiter is still an active bl player under the name queuenard

I used to have a lot of fond memories of this place, and I still do to an extent, but it's really hard to think anything positive about it these days after knowing how much damage it's done to people. I know multiple people who were groomed by users on here, and I've learned about a few Self Deletes that I can't help but think had something to do with this community.

I haven't been active in almost four years, but I still check the forums once in a while out of morbid curiosity. I don't really keep in contact with anyone from here anymore, other than Pecon's friend group and occasionally popping in to the Rebuilt Discord. I purged my Steam friends list back in 2022 and I'm not really sure I want to keep in contact with anyone else... no offense.

The past four years have been pretty crazy--moving to another state, coming out as trans (yes, another member of the Blockland->trans pipeline), and basically starting my life from scratch. It's been hard at times, but it's been extremely worth it and I've never been happier!

I do miss aspects of it--the sense of community was strong, and it was always easy to run into a familiar face. At its peak, it was small enough that everyone sort of knew each other, but big enough that it was always active and never got stale. That aspect and of course all the funny forum threads are what I'll miss. There also still has never been a game I've found that's as moddable and as fun to mod as Blockland. I've always found the game and its engine endlessly fascinating, and I probably will always come up with some sort of project to work on. (That is, until I remember how dead the game is and lose interest...)

I could write paragraphs about how awful this place was and all the reasons it became the way it did, but y'all have already done that ten times over, so I won't. I told myself I would never post here again, but the forum seems to be in its "sad reminiscing" phase, so I thought I'd post here. It played too big of a role in my life to not say something, and I'd be lying to myself otherwise.

I apologize for all the edgelord stuff I did including that stupid-ass mod I made when I was 17. If you think that kind of stuff is funny, get help, honestly.

Anyway, I wish all of you the best. I hope we can move on from this community and be happier and better people ❤

Hello, fellow multiple-year-hiatus-ers.

I have a lot of nostalgic memories surrounding this game and community. I wanted to drop some cursory shouts for old times' sake.
Big ups to []----[], Minomato, Captain Thomas, DarkHero, Cysero, Joltarn, Captain Thomas, DrenDran, Eagle, KfAmped, Tezuni, Metario, Tenshi, KINEX, arby's, and too many others to possibly credit. I hope you're all well.

Until the next time.


the forum seems to be in its "sad reminiscing" phase,
ikr? It's so weird to see. It's like BLF has done a 180 and suddenly everyone's showing their regrets over all the bad stuff they witnessed. For such a long time, the culture here was so centered around insults, drama, not getting called out as long as you were popular/funny, etc. I think the best example of that was probably Bisjac. They never struck me as a good person from their posts, but I never knew they were apparently a groomer? They were always so popular for seemingly no reason, and no one really called them out very often from what I remember, but now we're seeing a decent amount of posts doing that.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2023, 12:27:21 PM by Blockomaniac »

ikr? It's so weird to see. It's like BLF has done a 180 and suddenly everyone's showing their regrets over all the bad stuff they witnessed. For such a long time, the culture here was so centered around insults, drama, not getting called out as long as you were popular/funny, etc.
The BLF seems like it was a sort of highschool/college experience, as threads like these feel like old graduates/flunkies returning to their old stomping grounds to reminisce about the times they had and the friends they made

I think the best example of that was probably Bisjac. They never struck me as a good person from their posts, but I never knew they were apparently a groomer? They were always so popular for seemingly no reason, and no one really called them out very often from what I remember, but now we're seeing a decent amount of posts doing that.
A lot of us were probably too young and naive to notice or care, but there were a good few who did notice and tried to point it out, but they would just be ignored or overshadowed by whatever other discussion(s) were going on

And i assume people like Bisjac and Otis were never exiled because Badspot never noticed, cared, or was provided proof by those involved
« Last Edit: December 12, 2023, 02:33:45 PM by Masterlegodude »

i still keep the forums page pinned to my browser. i can't bring myself to unpin it. i always worry one day i'll click on the tab and it won't load up anymore.

keep in touch with a few people from the forums still, mainly the crew from abs fiesta over in community projects. qwepir is running a sequel adventure to it over discord these days, and a bunch of the players are making a pilgrimage to have another in-person meetup in a month or so

A lot of us were probably too young and naive to notice or care, but there were a good few who did notice and tried to point it out, but they would just be ignored or overshadowed by whatever other discussion(s) were going on
i remember always hating bisjac and trying to call him out on some of his gross opinions, but i was also a teenage girl at the time, so... i kind of got dismissed from what i remember lol