Author Topic: E3 is done  (Read 2238 times)

E3 was important, but more important was the memories it brought many and the tech innovations in software it was associated with.

i have fond memories of sitting with friends in a skype call watching the e3 presentations and playing e3 bingo. kinda sad that it's gone

i have fond memories of sitting with friends in a skype call watching the e3 presentations and playing e3 bingo. kinda sad that it's gone
now you can play Game Awards bingo instead since it's pretty much the same thing

can't remember the last time there was hype over a non-franchised game, so it kind of makes sense

I remember attending E3 2010. Got discount tickets through my school. Was really cool and I am sad I never got to go again. Being able to try out cutting-edge technology, chat with Robin Walker from TF2, 1v1 against the best Unreal player (forgot who that was its been a while) (we would get a t-shirt if we killed him even once, I got close with a cool mid-jump-launcher-thing melee but just missed) and seeing upcoming titles that never actually were released, was one memorable experience.

Definitely more showy but I did kinda prefered GDC 2011 where I got to meet our very own Packer and Ben Garney, which was cool too.