Bushido did some really great things for this community, from the weapons and vehicles and mods, his amazingly detailed buildings that he hosted frequently, hell the Bushido Cars that he made were one of my favorite vehicle mods because he just got it. I swear if Badspot had hired him to model for this game and bring life into it, it could have done something, but of course Bushido had better plans than to stick around here.
I haven't had a chance to see him these past few years, haven't been on frequently, but back then he was almost an idol, you knew that if he was around, there was gonna be cool weapons to play with, discussion about the next update on his projects, he just always had an aroura not of roosteriness or anything, but of being confident in his work and giving us the opportunity to play with it. I say this because I was on the anti-bandwagon of the T+T weaponpack, partially because I was just so used to the old style weapons, thought that adding ammo and all the great things he did do would be silly.
Boy was I wrong, and it was probably because I just didn't like how fast it became popular and used, and for good reason. He made a damn near perfect weapon pack for a video game that didn't deserve it, yet he poured a lot of work into perfecting it, balancing it, adding multiple skins. He was ahead of his time that's for sure.
Rest in Peace Bushido, may your family take care and forever be happy with the time they had with you, as you will be greatly missed by many friends and family alike.