Author Topic: Reactivating window causes the game to freeze  (Read 5826 times)

It's been a while since I've posted here. Regardless, here's my issue:

Basically, whenever I click out of the window and click it again, the game freezes for about a minute, and then it starts working again. This also happens with the B4v21 launcher, but oddly enough, not B4v21 itself. I've even run the game in a Windows 11 VM and it didn't have this issue; it only happens on the Steam version of the game when it runs natively on my PC.

My console.log is attached, naturally. I'm running Windows 11 Pro on this PC, with an Intel Core i9-9900K and a Zotac mini RTX 2060.

I'd really like to figure this problem out. It's pretty annoying.

This issue has to do with some driver stuff iirc and theres a dll fix if you feel like you can trust dlls from community members. You can find the "Immediate Refocus" dll and the edited blockland.exe that allows dll loading here:

not driver stuff, engine stupidity*

for anyone reading this topic: you can find mire prompt blockland related help at the bcc discord linked in this topic:

i and a lot of others check that discord regularly and can provide blockland modding and game help and you can find a lot of resources there

You can find the "Immediate Refocus" dll

Thank you so much, Conan. The game works amazingly now.

This also happens with the B4v21 launcher, but oddly enough, not B4v21 itself.

assuming by b4v21 you mean rebuilt specifically, this bug was fixed within rebuilt but the fix was never applied to the launcher itself
other versions still have this issue