As for medical and press, you're gonna have to source that.
I was planning to first address the issues of
journalists and the
medical personell being deliberately targeted by the IOF.
The first is a list of at least 95 journalists killed, the second is a statement by doctors without borders of some of their medical personel being killed.
And I realize two links confirming deliberate killing of over a hundred non-combatants will probably not sway you if South Africa, Ireland, and many other country's governments decrying these war crimes didn't.
However, there is one topic that I feel is important to address today as several aid organizations are bringing to light.
Regarding the continued displacement of Gazans in particular.
Since Oct 7th? Or are you talking about all of history? If it's since Hamas hopped the border with the sole mission of killing as many civilians as they could I'd assume you'd would be able to understand this is a developing situation.
Well you have previously stated that the historical claims of Israel over indigenous Palestinian territories are not relevant to the current discussion, as they were done "legally" through "land purchases".
We [ edit ] could [ /edit ] perhaps discuss all of the recent conflicts wherin the IOF assisted in the demolition of homes in the Golan Heights and other territories that were supposed to be left aside for Palestinians, not as a response to offensive activities by the Palestinians, but at the behest of land developers who needed more room for expanding settlements. [ edit ] but that is another conversation which I do not have the energy for right now. [ /edit ]
We will ignore the historiocity of everything and focus on the recent military expansion of the IOF since october 7th in particular.
When Israel decided it was going to start bombing northern Gaza, it gave the citizens, 1.5 million of them, a six hour warning to evacuate the area.
[ edit ] I am including a link here because this is such a rediculous demand by Israel I am sure you wont believe me on my word,
so here was there demand as stated by CNN [ /edit ]
That is like trying to empty the entire population of Philadelphia, (except in much denser poulation per area) In a quarter of a day. International pressure, not Israeli hospitality, ensured there would be a corridor for citizens to leave the area.
Even despite the extended permitted time to leave the area, the actual path for evacuees to walk were considered combat zones except for temporary four hour ceasefires
(that only applied to the actual evacuations sites, not even the areas between Gaza City and supposed safe areas of Salah Al-Din) Oh and that "humanitarian corridor" that the UN demanded be in place? Yeah,
the IOF was still arresting fleeing civilliansSo ok, those Gazans? Not trusted to live in North Gaza. Sure, they still have all of South Gaza that is kept free. Oh wait
nevermindIsrael continues to shrink the "safe zone" like the most perverse game of fortnite you've ever seen.
More and more Refugee camps were added to lists of places that Gazans had to evacuate. And here is a link to Reuters if you are getting tired of me linking Aljazeera=,south%20intensified%20on%20Oct.%2025.
This has lead to the only remaining safe zone for most Gazans being the tiny stretch of land in Rafah, on the egyptian border. That a population of refugees larger than the US's sixth largest city, in a 24.71 square mile space. That is Half The Size of Disneyworld.
Why don't the refugees all just cross over into Egypt? Even ignoring the demands of processing all of the new civillians, that is essentially adding the entire population of a major city that now egypt would have to take care of that there is currently no infrasturcture for.
That brings me to why I am focusing so much on the issue of displacement. Tonight is the first night of Ramadan. It is also the night of the Oscars. Previous moves by the Israeli Offensive Force have coincided with major relgious events such as Christmas, and cultural events that attract the US's attention such as the Superbowl. There are more than a few people who are concerned that today will mark another attempt to reduce the territory allowed to be occupied by Gazans. Maybe nothing of note will happen today, which I pray is the case. However, hopefully you can understand my concern.
Since the start of the Israeli invasion into Gaza, in theory for the sole purpose of finding Hamas fighters, the safe areas for Gazans has decreased to 1/6th of its former area. You say you are open to changing your opinion. Do any of these facts raise even the slightest bit of concern over the lives of the civilians in Gaza for you?
[EDIT 2]
I got around to reading what you wrote in reponse to the white phosphorus thing
Principle of proportionality comes into effect here. Pretty sure this isn't true.
And What?
Principle of proportionality my ass, It's a loving warcrime under the geneva convention.
Did you even read the loving link i left last time? Here's another: in case you dont want to click it:
The use of incendiary weapons is heavily interlinked with concerns over the respect of international humanitarian law, particularly the prohibition of weapons that cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering and regulations to protect civilians from the effects of hostilities.
In 1980, the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects was adopted with the aim to ban or restrict the use of certain types of weapons considered to cause unnecessary or unjustifiable suffering to combatants or to indiscriminately affects civilians. Protocol III of the Convention restricts the use of incendiary weapons.
The Protocol on prohibitions or restrictions on the use of incendiary weapons (Protocol III) aims at protecting civilians and civilian objects from the use of this type of weapons. It prohibits targeting civilians and restricts targeting military objects located within populated areas. The Protocol also prohibits the use of incendiary weapons on forest or other plants unless the vegetation is used to conceal military objects.”
The USA still maintains the right to use them under certain circumstances.
And the US has never comitted a war crime?(Those are four seperate links mind you. And we are not at all innocent in this most recent attack as the white phosphorus used by Israel was
Made in the USA (TM) )
There appears to be a reduction in the usage of White Phosphorus by Israel.
There "appears to be a reduction"? are links for at least two instances of White Phosphorus use on civillians in Gaza and Lebanon each, and concerns over it's continued use.
[Edit 3: Bonus Round]
You understand that's 1 person out of a 120 member parliament right? Does a single member of congress dictate the absolute views of the USA?
Former Director of Israeli Security Agency states that "Netanyahu wants an endless war"If a US president, say Andrew Jackson, decided we needed to foricibly exterminate or relocate all the indigenous peoples from the east coast,
you would say that he is attempting genocide, correct?If the Israeli government's position is to expunge all Palestinians from the territory,
is that any different?[Edit 4: Moved these from the below post for clarity]
So I have just learned that
about 20 hours ago yesterday at the time of this edit,
Israel bombed a 15 story residential structure in the supposed safe zone of Rafah "Oh but they gave warning." 30 minutes to evacuate a full 15 story structure where many of the inhabitants are starving or suffering wounds from previous Israeli attacks? It's a miracle more weren't killed or injured. Not to mention those are hundreds of more people without housing who will have to join the general mass refugee camp forming in Rafah.
Where the forget are these people supposed to go? They are literally in the last "safe zone" allowed by Israel and now they are being bombed there too.
Oh and now theres
more women and children killed in an airstrike in northern Gaza