Author Topic: re: new year's resolutions?  (Read 16322 times)
thread too old unfortunately. so here's a new one. I don't have a blog so yall have to deal with it

anyway update part 2: not going well now. it was fine for most of february, and I also did the strength training on alternating days as mentioned for a few weeks too, but then something (I don't even remember what) disrupted the routine and I've seriously been struggling to get back into it. and now it's getting warm here again and that makes it much less appealing on top of all my normal executive dysfunction trouble. before I even realized march is already over. here's hoping though

I thought was your blog?
first of all what. secondly do I look like pecon to you
is this a trap link? It looks like a trap link.
it's not a trap link, it's pecon's site

pecon owns the domain, that forum is the aod official forum

first of all what. secondly do I look like pecon to you
Sorry I was drunk. When I get drunk I mix up furry forumers

My resolution is to go far in my current field of diesel technician. I've already moved up to the dealership level within the past 3 years, I graduated from doing oil changes and small work to actual engine work. I've also been piling certifications to further my career.

I've built my tool set from a basic Crapsman set to actually buying high end tools. It's been a rough ride but it keeps me in shape and keeps me moving

i've improved, not a lot, but a bit. now i have to keep working towards that and also not slide back into the same self i was.

I've built my tool set from a basic Crapsman set to actually buying high end tools. It's been a rough ride but it keeps me in shape and keeps me moving
have you sold your soul to the snap-on guy yet?

have you sold your soul to the snap-on guy yet?
I did but I was able to buy it back for $50/week

I want to get into a non-junior software engineering role, release one of my personal projects, and start making contributions on at least one open source solution on GitHub.
I'm still in a level 1 role--I was told in November that I would be promoted, which ended up just being a change of managers with a new set of responsibilities (I retain all my old responsibilities). I'm considering switching careers to get into at least a level 2 role, but this field is just so competitive.

I'm almost done with one of my personal projects--it is a suite of software to run an imageboard using Blazor WebAssembly, SQL, and S2 compatible storage hosting. I will probably release it, and set up a prototype website in the coming months. Only moderation and anti-spam capabilities are left to develop.

I had plans to contribute to WebRTCme, the .NET repository for WebRTC, but the core developer beat me to it. I'll probably try again with a different repo later this year.

My resolution for 2023 was to lose weight, and that carried over into this year too. I've lost around 55 pounds since then, and am 40 shy of my target weight of 190 lbs at 6'2". I'm currently at 226 lbs with a historical high of 284 lbs. I genuinely feel so much better. Being obese felt like wearing clothes that were too tight, but the clothes were my skin (if that makes any sense).

My resolution for 2023 was to lose weight, and that carried over into this year too. I've lost around 55 pounds since then, and am 40 shy of my target weight of 190 lbs at 6'2". I'm currently at 226 lbs with a historical high of 284 lbs. I genuinely feel so much better. Being obese felt like wearing clothes that were too tight, but the clothes were my skin (if that makes any sense).
huge props on the weightloss, that stuff is hard. are you doing diet or exercise or both?

anyway update part 2: not going well now. it was fine for most of february, and I also did the strength training on alternating days as mentioned for a few weeks too, but then something (I don't even remember what) disrupted the routine and I've seriously been struggling to get back into it. and now it's getting warm here again and that makes it much less appealing on top of all my normal executive dysfunction trouble. before I even realized march is already over. here's hoping though
even if you only do a little bit every week, you're still doing more than the majority of people. don't be too harsh on yourself. on the days that i can't get myself into the gym, i usually try to do at least 20 or 30 minutes of floor workouts at home or, failing that, 10 or 15 minutes of stretching

huge props on the weightloss, that stuff is hard. are you doing diet or exercise or both?
Thank you for the props--I'm doing about an hour to 90 minutes of walking a day combined with a 20 hour fasting period. It definitely hasn't been easy, and since I'm not doing anything particularly interesting or difficult, it's been kind of boring.

Now that the weather is getting better, I'm able to take weekend day trips for hiking, which is definitely better than the weekday strolls through several parking lots in a corporate tech park. I'm within an hour-ish drive from Mt. Wachusett and Mt. Monadnock. The 2-4 hour hikes there end up burning around 1200 calories, and the views are nice.

Thank you for the props--I'm doing about an hour to 90 minutes of walking a day combined with a 20 hour fasting period. It definitely hasn't been easy, and since I'm not doing anything particularly interesting or difficult, it's been kind of boring.

Now that the weather is getting better, I'm able to take weekend day trips for hiking, which is definitely better than the weekday strolls through several parking lots in a corporate tech park. I'm within an hour-ish drive from Mt. Wachusett and Mt. Monadnock. The 2-4 hour hikes there end up burning around 1200 calories, and the views are nice.
yeah hikes are way more interesting than parking lots lol. i've recently needed to switch up my walking habits because i was getting bored with the rail trail i was using. lately i've been wandering around suburban neighborhood loops to look at all the houses i'll never own