Author Topic: Transferring To Steam Via Key "Worked" But Steam Says "BUY" on Store Page  (Read 1496 times)

Okay so I would just use E-Mail, but I have four or five keys that I bought. One was for a dedi server, three are for friends, and one was mine. I am worried if I tried to use E-Mail it would do something funky.

So I just went and did Transfer Via Key.

It said it worked. But now even after restarting Steam, it says "BUY $9.99" on the product page. Am I missing something? Thx

Can't edit in Help;

Tried also to do via Forum E-Mail, this is what it says:

SteamID: *snip*
Steam Username: Metal

1 Blockland forum account with email *snip*

BLID   Username   Steam ID   Select
5783   Jack.exe   *snip*   Used

So it seems fine on BL side of things. do I just need to wait? My friend whom I bought a key for about 15 or so years ago successfully verified his key with Steam earlier today. It is on the same e-mail as mine. Should still work though yes?

ive heard you may need to restart steam but its been too long since ive had to do this to remember the details how. let us know how it goes.

ive heard you may need to restart steam but its been too long since ive had to do this to remember the details how. let us know how it goes.
welp, it's the next day, PC fully restarted, and BL still shows as $9.99 on steam.. I don't care about $9.99, but I do care about my BL_ID

worth shooting badspot an email probably, as mentioned in the other thread

worth shooting badspot an email probably, as mentioned in the other thread
I'm almost 30 I don't read other threads XD

Also turns out the key-to-steam transfer *did not work* for my friend, he thought it did, but it did not. Will be doing the sad adult thing and emailing poor old tired Badspot directly