Off Topic > Creativity

Pokemon Sword Nuzlocke

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I want to draw but I can't focus myself on drawing for more than a day before I put the pen down for another six months. So here's a Nuzlocke run where I cannot continue playing until I draw the pokemon I catch, the pokemon I lose, and major events. My skill is very bad, but I hope it'll noticeably improve throughout the playthrough. I hope to do a final group image of all survivors and all those lost.

Hop: "You've already learned about type advantages!?"

gl and godspeed

One Machop managed to one-hit-KO two of my pokemon in a row with Low Sweep. Also, poses are hard! As it is right now, for the captured pokemon I'm copying existing art by sight. For the "major events" and deaths, I'm sorta winging it. Like for Machop, I copied his face and body, but had to improvise for the arm and leg since those are different from the image reference I used.

lopunny waiting room

forget that machop look at how he massacred my boy


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