Author Topic: Antenna Cradle: It is due.  (Read 32321 times)

What the panda is blockland central?
Is this case, ignorance is bliss.

thats what i seen going on there, and with with these guys to

Not quite yet, these chaps are still in the delusional phase. Blockland Central is a group of 0002 players who hate retail/badspot/logic/reasoning and are making their own blockland using the source engine, without realizing the problems with this naive plan.

and how the hell are they going to do that? They have some sort of engin chainging wand up their ass?

still in the delusional phase.

gimme the list plz :P i want to see your opinion of the steps of fail lol

and how the hell are they going to do that? They have some sort of engine changing wand up their ass?
They tell themselves that at night so they don't have to cry to sleep.

Its been at least 4 months with no progress besides some maps.

Phase 1: The Excitement
Some idiot comes up with the idea of trying to make their own game. Being a bunch of kiddies on the internet, they lap it up like a cat laps up its milk, when it's really thirsty and really feeling like a nice lap of milk.

Phase 2: The Doubt
Some of the less idiotic members start to realize just how big a task making a game is.

Phase 3: The Reassurance
Other idiots reassure them, by making an idol out of some random by passer (Sigfig) and telling them that he is an expert programmer and knows how to abolish the problem of lag.

Phase 4: Delusion
Everyone is suckered into the ploy, making crappy maps and hyping the game on forums they are not welcome on. Nobody realizes that everyone is in fact just doing those two things, and nobody has produced anything looking like a block (except most of ProBuilder's maps) - but they don't worry, because Sigfig is an expert!

I'll be right back to continue the phases, I have some crap to do.

I doubt that they are even his maps.

If he was stealing maps he wouldn't steal maps that horrible.

Look who your talking about.

Look who your talking about.
leet post: look at profile.

On topic:
You've stated it yourself Pro: its just eyecandy. That is all it is.

Okay... I guess you guys don't necessarily realize that blocks are relatively easy to model in Hammer? The only real trouble we have is getting a good texture that doesn't violate copy rights, and looks proper on the damn things. But yeah, otherwise, I can give you pictures of about 12 bricks I've made. I made them in a few minutes, so don't expect anything pretty if you actually want to see them. [/offtopicish]

modeling and texturing bricks is child's play, and don't even have any effect on if the game is coming along.
theres many HUGE game engine issues you need to address if your using source, things that go unmentioned by your pro programmer.

I'm pretty sure that, after seeing ThePro's maps, we aren't expecting something pretty.

Okay Bisjac, you tell me what these "Huge game engine issues" are, considering you obviously know EVERYTHING ABOUT THE SOURCE ENGINE and you are apparently king of it. Hell, the way you posted that makes me think that you may tower over Gabe Newell! Okay Mr. I know everything about source, you tell us these issues and we'll address them, as to whether we know about them or not, or if it poses a problem to how we are creating the game.