Author Topic: EXT system  (Read 3020 times)

A new project of mine is an extension system(EXT) that basically is a system to build add-ons upon, with many features for easy(and organized) functioning.

•Toggling of functions / mods
•Easy pref saving and loading
•Saves client EXT variables as well
•Very organized way to sort all of this data
•More features coming soon as well as more advanced versions of existing ones

Anyways, I'm looking for feedback as to what I should add for the release.
So far the structure is as follows:
bold = folder

--Gunshoot script(gun editing script)
--Gold system(starting gold, building gold, items cost gold, bounty system)
--Phaser weapon(incomplete)
--EXT DM(minigame functions)
--EXT TDM(space's TDM functions/packages)

gunshoot script is an improved version of the gunspread script. It includes saving/loading of gun settings along with some other new features

Suggest some scripts/features if you don't mind.

I also need some ideas for EXT DM and EXT TDM. I have a few things planned, however, like a fort wars system.

Pref saving is a built in function.
or some stuff

This project sounds intresting though, i'll keep an eye on this.

I know it is a built in function, but there are differences between that and my own functions, which will be visible later when I add a few functions I have planned.

Anyways, right now I'm working on Fort wars.

Well, If I can help with anything, PM me. (3day weekend = boredom :( )

Well, from the few minutes of being in the server, the minigame looked pretty interesting. I didn't understand much, but after a few questions (Maybe a minute in the server), I was banned for a day (1440 minutes) for "ignoring the tutorials". I didn't even know there was a tutorial for this.

If there was a link or something, I obviously didn't see it as the chat cruised by so fast, my text wasn't up there for more than 2 seconds, which lead to re-asking the questions (Only 2 "Why can't I build, I'm in the minigame." and one "This gamemode is busted" (As I had no clue what was going on, I had a hammer and a wrench, and I was being shot at with guns.))


And no, there isnt a tutorial yet.

Unbanned, no idea why you were banned.

1.  I don't think this would be very useful.

2.  There are several changes in v9 which may prevent this from working the way you hope it will.

3.  You should really wait to see how radical the file / folder layout changes in v9 are before you start planning any of this.

Like I've said before, it really is a waste of time to develop new stuff for v8.  Simple vehicles / weapons, fine.  Anything else, I'd wait.

When V9 comes out in 5 months I'll worry about that. In the meantime, V9s changes are none of my concern. I'll update it when it comes out, and thats that.

 Also, it doesn't matter if you think it wouldn't be "useful". You've never thought anything of mine as "useful", so why should I care whether or not you consider it "useful" now?

Because he's one of the most prolific modders in this community?

Anything like this will always fail unless it is included in the Blockland download by default. People are going to download mods that require this "framework" and people won't know to download your thing too, so it'll be an absolute disaster.

Its very easy to include one .cs file with the add-on and put this at the top:
Code: [Select]
exec("add-ons/EXT/shared/ext.cs");//or wherever else it is, but it should be here.         

Random note: Ext.cs would show up as a option in the add-ons folder.

Just use .ext extentions :D

v9 will only exec .cs, .mis, .gui, .dso.

I better way of saying it is that those other ectention won't be needed, also, I highly doubt .dsos will be allowed.

Well, .dsos are allowed.  Almost all of Badspot's code is dso'ed.  However, it's pretty much impossible to produce the type of dso files required by Blockland.  The files are produced by Badspot's version of TGE, so only the right type of .dso will be accepted for execution.