Author Topic: Counterstrike source  (Read 3383 times)

You got it just for Gmod?

I used to play it a fair bit. Not so much anymore... I don't actually play much nowadays.... maybe a quick round of Sven Co-op, or a few matches in UT3, but that's about it. I spend the rest of the time foruming, generally browsing the internet, or doing my modelling related stuffs.

I play a zm server occasionally but I usually play Team Fortress 2 or Age of Wonders (if anything)

I have it but I suck at it. BADLY.

I hate how much difference cs:s is than 1.6
In cs:s, as soon as you are under someones cursor, you're as good as dead, so everyone camps, making the game terrible boring and annoying. Not to mention 1/2 kills will almost certainly be a headshot.

I've played with the Counterstrike: Source weapons in gmod. They're extremely overpowered. I killed a hunter in 4 hits with the pump shotgun.

I played around 1000 hours of CS:S for a year, and then haven't really played much of it since.

if you play counterstrike source post here
Counter Strike Source is terrible. Not only is filled with idiots such as yourself, but it's an fps that's LOWER than Mediocre. It's a MOD for christs' Sake.