Author Topic: SHOWDOWN 2013  (Read 11287 times)

I'm just waiting for this kid's goatse strike.
IPBan-ICBMs are armed and ready.

ROBLOX doesn't need silly little add ons.
Your type of mods are similar to our Add-Ons, except we can disable them or enable them at will instead of having to go to our folders, find and remove the mod files.
No it doesn't, You're just not used to the way we do things.
Yes, it does. I've tried for a while, sucked ass. Serious. I'm not just saying that because I play Blockland, it really did suck.

And another thing, I'm getting sick and tired of you trying to make ROBLOX look better. If you are here just to try to look like a mature person so that we'll believe you and play ROBLOX, you are very, very wrong. Do us a kind favor, and GTFO unless you are going to buy/play Blockland or at least stop blatantly advertising ROBLOX.
I plan on buying it when my sister finds my credit card, Till then, i'll be playing the blockland demo and RTB

ROBLOX doesn't need silly little add ons.
Your type of mods are similar to our Add-Ons, except we can disable them or enable them at will instead of having to go to our folders, find and remove the mod files.
No it doesn't, You're just not used to the way we do things.
Yes, it does. I've tried for a while, sucked ass. Serious. I'm not just saying that because I play Blockland, it really did suck.

And another thing, I'm getting sick and tired of you trying to make ROBLOX look better. If you are here just to try to look like a mature person so that we'll believe you and play ROBLOX, you are very, very wrong. Do us a kind favor, and GTFO unless you are going to buy/play Blockland or at least stop blatantly advertising ROBLOX.
I plan on buying it when my sister finds my credit card, Till then, i'll be playing the blockland demo and RTB
Well, then. Please cease the ROBLOX. We are not trying to wage a war. Only the stupid noobs are. Hell, I am angry, but I'm not doing it by making YouTube videos and spamming the ROBLOX videos with comments.

ROBLOX doesn't need silly little add ons.
Your type of mods are similar to our Add-Ons, except we can disable them or enable them at will instead of having to go to our folders, find and remove the mod files.
No it doesn't, You're just not used to the way we do things.
Yes, it does. I've tried for a while, sucked ass. Serious. I'm not just saying that because I play Blockland, it really did suck.

And another thing, I'm getting sick and tired of you trying to make ROBLOX look better. If you are here just to try to look like a mature person so that we'll believe you and play ROBLOX, you are very, very wrong. Do us a kind favor, and GTFO unless you are going to buy/play Blockland or at least stop blatantly advertising ROBLOX.
I plan on buying it when my sister finds my credit card, Till then, i'll be playing the blockland demo and RTB
Well, then. Please cease the ROBLOX. We are not trying to wage a war. Only the stupid noobs are. Hell, I am angry, but I'm not doing it by making YouTube videos and spamming the ROBLOX videos with comments.

I would, but then it would just start again.

The best thing you can do, right now, is just ignore the whole ROBLOX thing, don't participate in the anti-ROBLOX/Blockland bullice cream, and tell people to just STFU about it.

EDIT: Wait... Why was Badspot on ROBLOX?! O.o'

The best thing you can do, right now, is just ignore the whole ROBLOX thing, don't participate in the anti-ROBLOX/Blockland bullice cream, and tell people to just STFU about it.

EDIT: Wait... Why was Badspot on ROBLOX?! O.o'
Seeing our stuff, I guess.

We need to prepare an epic battle speech.
also, I believe Rawr is right, Badspot would want to see any potentual competition, see how much of a threat it is.

Who looked at my comment?

WonkaKid - Who is your favorite Robloxian other than yourself?
Sirloin - Oh, tough decision… but if I could only pick one, I’d have to say Koopa. He’s an awesome guy. Just awesome. Next is Are92, and FFJosh. They’re awesome, too.

Pretty sure there's no such thing as an awesome Robloxian.



Now they're trying to provoke it.

I can't wait for Badspot to get involved.  :cookieMonster:

Heh, free advertising for blockland :D

In 5 years all the Roblox idiots will get bored of playing.
And then the developers say "Omg its still in beta"

you guys 2012 has rapture but rapture is realy blockland jesus. :3

Bio feels like gohan and needs moar training