Author Topic: Block Eye Entertainment[BEE]  (Read 13558 times)

dont know :\ i'll think about it.
I was thinking something like:


(I'm not a huge fan of that band, i just thought about those 2 songs :p)


Why am I not on the list? IS it because I haven't made any music yet?

I could be a set builder, too. Send me messages or post times when were shooting is what i meant, Dark.

You're not on the people willing to join list, scroll down, under music it says your name and my name.Those are the full members.Yes i'm on the list too, i put audio into movies before you were yea.

Hello, this looks like a good clan. If it's ok with you, i would like to be an Actor, Writer, or Set Designer. (All if you want!)
Get back to mah!

Who made the sets for "no way out"?

Because they are horrible, what good movie is made out of 1x1x5s?!
If i was leader of the clan, i would destroy that and have them redo it before i filmed D:

somebody who thinks those give less lag(worked for me), along with most of the other blockland people.Most people i saw build they built with 1x1x5 bricks.

And yes you can join, set builder i'm accepting if you're really good at building and you give us something you have built..well or show.If its really good then we can even accept it as a set and you can join.So far we dont really have any good builders..everybody builds as best as they can.(i'm noob at it by the way)

DUDE! I WHANT TO JOIN! THIS IS ALL I GOTZ SO TAKE IT! :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

uh...i dont know if you're being sarcastic there but..if you're not then read the post how to join..

Ok how many times will i have to do this. Bump

NVM i asked somthing then found it out later :D
« Last Edit: June 25, 2008, 04:37:10 PM by LTvic »

open a server, we can work an, you know, a lot of buildings for movies

I would like to apply to become a set builder and or actor if you would like to see some stuff you already have my contact stuff dark so yeah