Author Topic: Advanced Loadingscreen  (Read 1012 times)

It would be nice if there was some more information about the loading progress.

Like information about the current file loading (Size of the single file and how much is already loaded)
and how much has to be loaded for the total progress.

So, blockland would have to check all files the server needs, and then load them.

how much has to be loaded for the total progress.

yeah... I hate not knowing

The problem:  When loading datablocks, it then finds out what files it needs to download for them, and then downloads them.  Then it loads the objects, that are mostly composed of datablocks, then it loads any things that weren't datablocks but are there (basically the map.)

So basically it has to load before it knows what it has to download.

1. Load compressed version of the Datablocks together with the total list of downloadable files.
2. Process Datablocks and assemble a list of the needed files.
3. Start downloading needed files and display the stats of the download process.

Would just make loading needlessly longer.  Though I wouldn't mind a x out of y files to download.

The whole process could be done in about 1 second, compare that to a total downloading process of up to 30 minutes.
1 second is worth it.

and a x out of y files display would take up about the same amount, cause the same stuff would have to be done for that.