Author Topic: Predator's RotB app  (Read 1608 times)

My app for RotB. I guess rate x/10..

Over look


Living room

Living room shot 2


Backyard shot 2


hhhm, is a bit small
but i've seen your work and
i'd have to say its a "Yes"


good job.

8/10, Looks a lot better in game than in these pictures, still good none the less.

Needs more details, kitchen is empty, entrance room is empty, house is pretty much just a box with a couple of slopes.

I say no, although you'll probably get in anyway, I don't like this app.

You can do better, I'm sure of it. It's hard to say yes, but same with no. I'm kinda undecided. I think a respected member of the clan should say yes or no for me. I can't decide cause my vote says if your in or not.

<3 Pred though :D

This looks better in Bedroom. Better lighting.

I've seen it in person. I've changed my mind. I know that Pred is a good builder. I say yes. Sorry Vert  :cookieMonster:

I know it's a good choice.