
Kicks the most ass in every way

129 (49.8%)
130 (50.2%)

Total Members Voted: 24

Author Topic: Pirates VS Ninjas  (Read 30388 times)


Hmm, good idea, Vampires + Ninja + Pirates :D

Hmm, good idea, Vampires + Ninja + Pirates :D

Tri: I just want everyone to be happy so I won't try to take sides or assert my right to express my opinion as a human being!

What a compromise you spineless little girl. The Ninjas vs Pirates debate is the only bit of serious business on the internet and you treat it like it can just be fixed by making a mix of the two. They're totally different types of people! You can't mix stealth with boisterousness.


Actually, you can, + I am no little girl, "I am strong like bull" and a 15 year old male.

You're stupid like ice cream, for sure.

How does a stealthy boisterous person act? Do tell, because I am dying to find out.

Wow, boy did I miss something.

This song explains this all

Do what you want, �cause a pirate is free,
Yar har, fiddle di dee,
Being a pirate is alright to be,
Do what you want �cause a pirate is free,
You are a pirate!

lol why does everyone think its such a coincidence that this discussion is going on in another location that you have seen before.
this is a very famous old school fight, that has gone on on nearly every website there is since the beginning of the internet. thats the point why i took it here.

I vote ninjas, my reasons for such have been stated numerous times by others so I won't repeate them, but instead waste your time explaining how I'm not wasting your time.

Also, nice rank!

i don't believe there is a talk like a ninja day.
you all seemed to happily take part in talk like a pirate day.

lul@ninja lovers

Thank you for taking off our interest of hating roblox. Anyway i voted for ninja's because they have good agility

This question came up in my class and a group of people spent a few classes argueing about it (and many other topics after one guy convinced every one that pirates were all homoloveuals because they never had any girls on their ships).
I would have said pirates cause they are close to vikings who are better than a vampire/ninja/pirate/ephi hybread....

Traditional Pro-Ninja Argument:
Oh man ninjas are so much more awesome because they can fly and shrink down to the size of an atom and kill you just by staring at you. In fact, they don't even have to stare at you, they can just will you dead and you die because ninjas are the fundamental unit of matter. Ninjas are also completely silent, they can even talk silently through telepathy, but they usually don't because it unsettles people. Ninjas are infinitely intelligent. Ancient lore holds that the Earth was created by a ninja. Ninjas invented oxygen. This means they clearly existed before the invention of oxygen, which means that they don't need to breathe. Ninjas can also turn invisible, teleport, move faster than the speed of light, generate pure energy and matter, travel through time and heal themselves. Every ninja carries a forcefield generator that makes them impervious to all attacks. Fights between ninjas are purely for show, and governed by a strict set of rules to decide the winner, since they obviously can't fight to the death. The only way for a ninja to die is for them to wish themselves dead. This is called kamikaze, which has been most closely translated into English as "holy ice cream" (this is what an American sailor said as he witnessed the first kamikaze attack at Pearl Harbor in 1952). It's effectiveness was demonstrated during WWII when Japan's ninjas invaded Germany and sunk all their U-boats. Other events brought about by mass ninja kamikaze include the extinction of the dinosaurs and the movement of South America away from Africa.

Traditional Pro-Pirate Argument:
They have cannons and beer and wenches at port. Pirates stand for everything ninjas don't: explosions, drunkenness and love (WITH WOMEN). Real men like pirates.

well both sides have lots of fantasy. while in reality it would suck to be a ninja or a pirate regardless.

@wedge's kind of comment:
i think thats why i like pirates :P
everything sounds much more simple and fun

Guys, pirates had BlackBeard, and woe on those who missed the Blackbeard special on DC a while back.

Seriously, the guy was covered with loaded revolvers and had a hat that was on fu[size=0pt]u[/size]cking fire which he used to arm his pistols. You can't tell me that's not awesome.

My brother just informed me that ninjas could not be responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs because they ride on dinosaurs.

Although the domestication of dinosaurs could have kept them from collecting proper nutrition.