Author Topic: Blockland: Rock Raiders Mod (Scriptor Wanted)  (Read 90981 times)

 Title is now "(Beta Soon?)" This excites me.

1) stuff went down and I have yet to be informed
2) stuff went down and Packer isn't on to inform me
3) stuff went down and I won't be informed at the moment

At any rate, if there is a solution to our rotational problems, then yes, a beta would probably be soon.

Now i sit at my computer with blockland opened and constantly click the Query Internet button and to my disappointment I cant find it. :D/D:

Public or quiet beta.

Waits patiently.

Presses refresh.



refreshes repetitively in a panic attack way.
Slams head in keyboard and cries softly. After a few moments, presses refresh again.

Waits patiently.

Presses refresh.



refreshes repetitively in a panic attack way.
Slams head in keyboard and cries softly. After a few moments, presses refresh again.

We'll let you know when its on, I'll talk it over with Rkynick about if its going to be public or not.

rock raiders ftw give me beta maybe i can be something like beta tester or modeler or something

I remember from the real game when a guy is in training he jumps while saying " HOB HAR HOBHAR" ;o

lu1g1 give it up. I would have thought after you were shot down when you tryed to join the battle feild pack/make your own pack that you would have noticed you can't model worth shiz.

ill give up modeling then

rock raiders ftw give me beta1 maybe i can be something like beta tester2 or modeler3 or something4
1- Why the hell would we give you the actual beta files?
2- Things relating to beta testing are still being decided so its a stupid idea to ask for it now. Beyond that, we don't need to give you the mod in order for you to beta test...
3- Packer is a battle-hardened(this raises a question: has he sailed the high seas?) modeler, whom I believe has this area covered.
4- or something isn't on our checklist(unless Packer has added it since I last looked at said checklist)

At any rate I prefer to let Packer talk about whatever is happening possibly-beta wise, but let me emphasize that its still possibly-beta at this point in time.

Thats right you tell him rkynick becsides I think we know whos getting to test it and your looking at him "D

Thats right you tell him rkynick becsides I think we know whos getting to test it and your looking at him "D
Too bad you cant look over an internet forum