Author Topic: Hey thanks for spamming up the forums with topic changes.  (Read 32511 times)

I asked him to ban me weeks ago >:(

why? so you can go back to your community and complain to your friends that you were unjustly banned? giving you fuel your desperately looking for, for that fire.

I asked him to ban me weeks ago >:(

why? so you can go back to your community and complain to your friends that you were unjustly banned? giving you fuel your desperately looking for, for that fire.
No, Because I was on the verge of giving up.

Builderman is way nicer than Badspot... :P
builderman didnt give a stuff when a noob deleted my 3 hour cruise ship bastard. [ze feep has spoken]


and go back to roblox

sorry i didnt know it was that old and heck no man roblox sucks :panda:

Check before you post Feep.

Jesus Christ, I completely missed this topic.
On a more related note, perhaps you should turn the forums into a national socialist regime like Facepunch. It proves to be useful when filtering out the idiots.

Yeah, Harsh, But at least it will filter out the Rocigarettes/trolls.
We need more moderators from every time zone.

I didn't see this topic, but I'm glad I did now.
That was the single greatest post I have ever read on this forum.
Ever since Rotondo became inactive, there hasn't been anybody to share my "everybody is handicapped" philosophy with.
Keep it up. You are an amazing man for the amount of stuff you have to put up with.

I know this topic is done, but here is my theory:

I think the main problem with this place is that the game was never aimed at a particular age group.
It looks cute and child-friendly, but is it? Children think it is, so they get their parents to buy it.
Older players (who are now likely adults or in their late teens) know it isn't, and they get their friends to play. A good example is Facechild and his friends.
What we ended up with was a huge clusterforget of handicapped children and older people who get pissed off by them.

Of course age isn't always a good indication of mentality or maturity. Most of the older players are still as handicapped and annoying as ever.
Post count usually gives a good idea of who needs to slit their wrists.
I'd say that 90% of the topics made are pointless and stupid, and if a person has over 5000 posts, well...
« Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 12:57:18 PM by Sumz »

...and if a person has over 5000 posts, well...
I'd be careful about finishing that sentence seeing as Wedge has more than 5,000 posts.

my "everybody is handicapped" philosophy
I love you.

But seriously, the problem stems from the 11-16 crowd that think they can patrol the forums and make it their business to scare off "noobs" and do anything in their power to put them down and ruin everyone's good time. A good example of that would be Miga and his group of 11 year old pals who look for anyone who makes more than 3 topics a day.

There is no "maturity" gauge in this community; just because a person claims to be a certain age, doesn't mean they will act like one should at that level. If that were true we would have stopped playing this game a long time ago.

And of course you have the trolls going nowhere in life leading the pack of *Similar gameplay style to Blockland, generic name* haters making it their duty to post handicapped crap like hate threads. That brings this game down so much; I thought back in 2005 that we couldn't get any lower than the mod war drama, but it seems I am mistaken. Plus along with the trolls you have the people trying to fit into this community by attacking other forums, causing more people to join the forum just to give back some hate. If you swear around your younger brothers or sisters, in a week they will be mouthing off nonstop; just like how Blockland breeds future trolls to fill the gaps of the ones that have failed life and commited Self Delete.

If you see your posts from an outside perspective, I hope you see how handicapped you sound. If you use words like "Ro[blox]cigarettes, newcigarette, forum noob, or any other derisive term for a new member who doesn't know the ropes yet, maybe you should take a break and notspread more handicapped crap that's already been said by some autistic 13 year old living in Texas.

I don't care this thread is beaten to death by idiots, some idiots need to be reminded of this.

maybe you should take a break and notspread more handicapped crap that's already been said by some autistic 13 year old living in Texas.
Says Ronin.

...notspread more handicapped crap that's already been said by some autistic 13 year old living in Texas...

is it me or have alot of people been talking about me recently?

Finally, Badspot speaks. I totally think that this forum is clouded with a bunch of stupid ass kids. Ofcourse, I know that there are a few that know how to act more mature than half of the other players in this game. And as ronin said, we need to stop with the whole Ro[blox]cigarette and new cigarette things. If you know what a cigarette is you wouldn't be saying it. I think the fact that badspot took the curse filter off was a stupid idea, look at every single post. You dont see one that doesn't have atleast one swear or curse word in it (including cigarette or acronyms with cigarette in it). Stop with this please, we need to just get over the fact that kids will be everywhere and they will have to learn. We cant watch over you and change your diaper every single time you crap yourself (or in this sense make a premature or pointless post). I am all for younger kids joining our forums, just dont lie about your age and say that your 18 and spek wth gramrar lek dis nonebody wuld tlk leik durs wen dey 81. Honestly. Please, just leave or be less childish.

...notspread more handicapped crap that's already been said by some autistic 13 year old living in Texas...

is it me or have alot of people been talking about me recently?
No, no, no, I meant that to be a generic reference. But chances are its true..