Author Topic: Blockland-Ben10-4 Script Discussion -- IGNORE THIS IF YOUR NOTHING TO DO WITH IT  (Read 13764 times)

Anyway. This needs moar :D

Its a hippo >_>
Gold Star for awesome Hippo.

yea well it was the only thing i had that fits for some reason any other picture wont work for this forum

I must agree with all else here, stop with the ben ten. I know people in sixth grade that make fun of it. Really, it's just sad, try something original.

I couldn't care less if you made something of high quality, but so far everything related to ben ten (on the forums) is crap.

Orly? I like watching fat elephants(?) spank their bellies. Its funny amirite?

Zomg did someone cut off his trunk?!

I must agree with all else here, stop with the ben ten. I know people in sixth grade that make fun of it. Really, it's just sad, try something original.

I couldn't care less if you made something of high quality, but so far everything related to ben ten (on the forums) is crap.

Orly? I like watching fat elephants(?) spank their bellies. Its funny amirite?

Zomg did someone cut off his trunk?!

Omfg blockbrain instead of worrying about an elephant hippo why dont you just listen to digimaster he makes a good point ^
« Last Edit: May 12, 2008, 09:44:46 PM by Lord Tony »

Omfg blockbrain instead of worrying about an elephant hippo why dont you just listen to digimaster he makes a good point ^


Can anyone say "BanHammer". I'd put money on it, he keeps spamming and flaming. Troll? Idunnolul.

Oh. Very funny Yuki. Lets review:

  • Kid likes Ben10
  • Kid wants to make movie on Blockland with his friends
  • Stupid loving lowlife called "Yuki" decides that this is unacceptable behavior
  • Stupid loving lowlife called "Yuki" decides that it is his right to post and let the Kid know that he thinks he's handicapped
  • Stupid loving lowlife called "Yuki" then accuses kid of being a troll when Kid reacts to him being an ass

To everyone else: How could this possibly affect your Blockland experience? If you don't like Ben10, get out of this thread and go back to playing infantile forum games in the Off-Topic section. He just wants to make a little movie because he likes the show - get over it.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2008, 03:13:03 AM by Ephialtes »

Can anyone say "BanHammer". I'd put money on it, he keeps spamming and flaming. Troll? Idunnolul.

Oh. Very funny Yuki. Lets review:

  • Kid likes Ben10
  • Kid wants to make movie on Blockland with his friends
  • Stupid loving lowlife called "Yuki" decides that this is unacceptable behavior
  • Stupid loving lowlife called "Yuki" decides that it is his right to post and let the Kid know that he thinks he's handicapped
  • Stupid loving lowlife called "Yuki" then accuses kid of being a troll when Kid reacts to him being an ass

To everyone else: How could this possibly affect your Blockland experience? If you don't like Ben10, get out of this thread and go back to playing infantile forum games in the Off-Topic section. He just wants to make a little movie because he likes the show - get over it.

Your're just saying that because you like ben10.

No, I'm saying that because I think that the handicaps that posted in this thread have no right to tell this kid what he can and can't do with his free time. It isn't going to affect servers, it isn't going to affect gameplay, it isn't going to take up the time of valuable members of the community so what could you possibly have against this kid doing this? Mind your own business.

Do you get off on finding my posts and pointing out as many flaws as possible? I mean seriously, stop being such a jackass.

Do you get off on finding my posts and pointing out as many flaws as possible? I mean seriously, stop being such a jackass.

I find you to be one of the many filthy people plaguing this community. Lets review your latest posts:


Who the forget voted No.

Needs moar tools O' Destruction.

Snot, I'm just gonna say you kinda wasted your time with this.
IMPOSSIBLE, Snot's time is absolutely worthless.

Its a hippo >_>
Gold Star for awesome Hippo.

Go back to school, learn english and Common Sense. Until then, stop posting.

Vanilla Snow sucks. Stop posting it.

Now lets examine your activity:

Off Topic Posts: 1827 which is just over 50% of your posts.

In conclusion, I'd have to say you were just a burden on the community who contributes nothing of any value, and instead prefers to troll around swearing, imposing superiority, putting little kids down, criticizing grammar, talking like an idiot (even when correcting grammar), bullying new people and being generally vulgar and rude. I've collected all this from pages 1-6 of Your Recent Posts. Feel free to read them back to yourself and realize how much of an ass you're being to a lot of undeserving people.

Feel free to read them back to yourself and realize how much of an ass you're being to a lot of undeserving people.
Welcome to the Internet. I don't NEED to be nice to anyone, especially when they do stupid stuff in the first place. Also, most of which you quoted you interpreted wrong. When i said "Snots time is worthless" i was placing a modified quote from Futurama. When i said "STOP." i was referring to MC Hammer; STOP. Hammertime.

Unless you have some godlike contribution to the community you have no room to speak.

I'm constantly contributing. I'll pm you a nice long list of recent accomplishments if you want.

And the quotes were not meant to show you being an starfish, they were meant to show how much of a useless member of this community you are. You didn't even post about blockland in your first page of recent posts - its mostly offtopic crap haha.


so just because this is the internet, we are free to just be terrible to each other?
i don't think ive said anything to anyone that i wouldn't actually say to a persons face.

and to new people in this community, i make an attempt to be extra friendly to them.
it don't take much to piss off a guy that came here with no impression on us yet. a new guy can barely fight back at flames before a single jerk ruined his reputation with all his effort.
it just creates more noobs and jerks. new people will began thinking they have to prove themself to you. by doing what you do...