Author Topic: MALES COMING SOON  (Read 32258 times)


Error: When the women sit the sit like kneeling down. So if a man was showing off he would walk right infront of someone sitting. :D


  • Administrator
people did that all the time in tribes

All you have to do if you dont want to see a penus is keep your loving cloths on!Or stay a women your choice either way your probably going to end up wit somtin you dont like.

I still think there should be something over their weenies. Like, loin cloth, or you cant take everything off, a pair of boxers.

If you did look under the AoT women model, you do not see a vagina do you? No you dont, but you do see her breasts. Males and females have breasts, so equality. Plus! Breasts aren't anything compared to the other spot.

I think males should have covers because, making an accurate 7 poly 5 inch cylinder that is bent a little, would be extremely disturbing.

Are you guys afraid of your own weiners as much as you are of these virtual ones?


  • Administrator
they're afraid that the virtual one will be bigger than their own

(i'm gonna avoid te cyberweener discussion)
just had a tought about males: what if someone uses /cast boob ? 0_o

they're afraid that the virtual one will be bigger than their own

No, I just think it would be pretty screwed up to see a man's snake, cuz n00bs will definitely become michael jackson.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2006, 09:23:11 PM by RS^Capt.VenomAK »

That doesn't even make sense. Haha.


  • Administrator
it's a slipery slope- first 3d wangs then before you know it, national socialists are riding dinosaurs

it's a slipery slope- first 3d wangs then before you know it, national socialists are riding dinosaurs

okool kids klubk am i the only one who thinks that sounds really dirty and funny

Look the reason I dont want snakeies is beacuse it will attract a bunch of queers. Would you like that?


  • Administrator
Studies show that family men are actually closet homoloveuals.  They lash out at gays because they see a reflection of their inner selves.  I think what you're really telling us is that you are afraid that you yourself will be attracted.