Author Topic: Steam games  (Read 1657 times)

Well, I lost my steam account due to stupidness and now I have no games... Can someone plz help me get some games? :<


Now you're gonna have to play some games straight off the disk!

I'm just seeing if someone could pass me any games. I mainly just want TF2, Gmod, and HL2. Mostly TF2 and GMod

I have doubts that you'll get them here.

Well, I lost my steam account due to stupidness and now I have no games... Can someone plz help me get some games? :<

You gave away your pass like a noob?

Stupidity should not be rewarded.

I have all those games but I am probably not going to give them to you. :3
I do feel sad for you.

What exactly is this "stupidness" that you did?

he gave his pass to steamsecurity :P

Just email steam, AGAIN

Have, still doesn't work

I haven't played TF2 for awhile, but if you me play?
*plays TF2*

I remember stuff like this on RS.

Sally: I just died and lost all my stuff, need free new stuff
Bob: No
Sally: I need free stuff, I died
Bob: Shut up!
Sally: Can you give me free stuff??????
Bob: **** you

etc lol

I'm just seeing if anyone could help me