Captmeat - WTH?

Author Topic: Captmeat - WTH?  (Read 1546 times)

Well, It's been happening slowly, and now it's like fast-pace'd

Let me begin from the start-

I added Capt to my MSN list a long time ago, and he was always dull, depressed, and just flat out emo, like his whole loving family died and that all he had was some cardboard box to live in and a laptop. He was the same way for a year but then, it started happening. One day in some February, Capt was acting so happy. I was proud for him at first, I liked the new Captmeat. But then, it started getting creepy. Everytime I chat to him now, he's just an explosion of happy emotion, like a happy flower ate a sun and is puking up laughter. It's creepy, and I got this quote from a few minutes ago.

"Capt had blood drawn earlier *insert huge god-damn smiley here*"
      -Quote from Captmeat

I'm posting this in drama because I'm kinda worried he might be on something like acid or crack. Discuse.

maybe he got laid lol

He has ADHD and has ran out of drugs to control it. He told me after my noticeing that he can not stay on a single subject for more then 5 minutes. Also a side effect of some ADHD cases is for a lack of a better explination, happieness.

He has ADHD and has ran out of drugs to control it. He told me after my noticeing that he can not stay on a single subject for more then 5 minutes. Also a side effect of some ADHD cases is for a lack of a better explination, happieness.
We've been talking about movies for about half an hour now. Screw you please :3

It's like my step brother. When he's on his hyper active medicine he's really quiet and easily agitated, but when he isn't he's extremely hyper and excited and ultra funny.

i don't believe ADHD exists. since it seems EVERY kid has it.

remember that drug companies cant sell a new drug unless its for a disease of some type. so new stuff is made up all the time. its just a scam for money.
restless leg syndrome anyone?
« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 06:01:29 PM by Bisjac »

i don't believe ADHD exists. since it seems EVERY kid has it.

remember that drug companies cant sell a new drug unless its for a disease of some type. so new stuff is made up all the time. its just a scam for money.
restless less syndrome anyone?
Dr. Bisjac PHD in Forumology

Anyway, it's called a cry for help.

Also it's spelled Discuss

(17:12) CapTMeaT: Hey snot i need advice
(17:12) CapTMeaT: Can you please help me out?
(17:12) CapTMeaT: ..p-please?  
(17:27) snot: wut
(17:37) CapTMeaT: um
(17:37) CapTMeaT: its more of a question
(17:37) CapTMeaT: How does one know when they are in love?
(23:53) snot: WITH FRUIT SALAD!

(14:12) Wolfie: Good morning my friend  
(14:12) Wolfie: How is your voice doing ? Is it any better?  
(14:13) خاط: merry 2 o clock to you to
(14:13) Wolfie: Hehe merry 8:15 o clock  
(14:13) خاط: still hurts
(14:13) خاط: started sniffling : (
(14:13) Wolfie: Aww  
(14:13) Wolfie: you're getting sick?  
(14:13) Wolfie: Go take some medicine and lay down  
(14:14) خاط: just had some : D
(14:14) Wolfie: : D
(14:14) Wolfie: It'll work  
(14:14) Wolfie: just be patient my friend
(14:16) Wolfie: Sampaga's birthday is in 2 days  
(14:18) Wolfie: Shouldn't you be in college or highschool atm?  
(14:19) خاط: wuts a highschool
(14:19) Wolfie: O_o?!
(14:20) خاط: most days i only have bout 4 hours
(14:21) Wolfie is now Offline
(14:21) Wolfie is now Online
(14:22) Wolfie: sorry i crashed  
(14:22) Wolfie: fail loaner.....
(14:22) خاط: t5o6
(14:23) Wolfie: o.o?
(14:24) Wolfie: Can you hack? ._.
(14:24) خاط: noo, im snot
(14:24) Wolfie: ._. ithink ppl wanna hack me...........
(14:25) Wolfie: Iscared pls D:
(14:26) Wolfie: Snot, Am i mean?  
(14:26) خاط: no, you are captmeat
(14:26) Wolfie: I mean like
(14:26) Wolfie: Do i have a mean personality?
(14:26) Wolfie: Agressive?
(14:26) خاط: no
(14:27) Wolfie: <3
(14:27) Wolfie:  
(14:36) Wolfie: do you go to school?
(14:36) خاط: colej
(14:36) Wolfie: ?

(17:04) CapTMeaT: hey snot
(17:04) snot: moo
(17:05) CapTMeaT: What's up  
(17:05) snot: the sky
(17:05) CapTMeaT: orly
(17:06) CapTMeaT: How are you  
(17:06) CapTMeaT: hey um..
(17:06) CapTMeaT: snot
(17:06) snot: moo
(17:07) CapTMeaT: There is this girl at my school, i really like her and kind of want to ask her out..We are good friends, but i am afraid to take our friendship any farther. What if she doesn't want to she isnt interested, then that will change our friendship forever whether i want it to or not..
(17:08) CapTMeaT: we have a special friendship and i dont know if i should risk it..
(17:08) CapTMeaT: What do you think i should do
(17:08) snot: sledgehammer
(17:08) CapTMeaT: snot i really need ur help  
(17:08) snot: sledgehammer
(17:09) snot:  
(17:09) CapTMeaT:  
(17:09) CapTMeaT: Ur mean D:
(17:09) CapTMeaT: cmon snot  

(18:30) KapteiNKjøTTBall: Hai
(18:30) KapteiNKjøTTBall:  
(18:30) snot: moomoo
(18:30) KapteiNKjøTTBall: what's up :3  
(18:30) snot: the sky
(18:31) KapteiNKjøTTBall: since when  
(18:31) snot: millions of years ago
(18:31) KapteiNKjøTTBall: wow
(18:32) KapteiNKjøTTBall: You are wise  

Actually, i like people with ADHD, atleast when your just chatting. I mean, some people with ADHD can start a random topic. Like you could be talking about snow cones, and suddenly, the guy with ADHD brings up tacos and you start talking about Mexico. Seriously, How do you get a spicy food from a cool country, out of a cold, flavor filled ice treat? By talking to someone with ADHD, ofcourse  :cookieMonster:

Snot's not so heavy on it like Capt's been. But it don't matter, I told him to chill with the explosion of joy and emotions, and he's like, "screw it". Lol. SO. This thread is now an unofficial chat thread me guesses? That or talk about capt.

MSN quotes 'n' stuff
Wow that is sad, sad and hilarious.

snot, for the longest time I didn't know why everyone thought you were so epic.

I do now though, lol.

First off, Nick I don't do drugs. And Omega I never ran out of meds, I stopped taking them for the summer, they are to help me concentrate in school, and to keep me calm. With no school I have no reason to take them :P