Author Topic: Sniper- [S]  (Read 8852 times)

And the second one was where I pwned him. Thanks to ancient for being the victim

NecaNinja- If you hit him wouldn't his name disappear? It looks like a missed. I'm going to say no.

Grumpy- It looks like your shooting from really really close... I'm going to have to say no

Both- However, first you always have another chance to submit another pcture or video. Second, if two or more people agree you can be in, you can be in, but as for now I have to say no.

Dread- You are my butterstick, when I need a friend quick. Let me take some butter of you, and let me wipe you. Butterstick, your my butterstick. Butterstick, I'll love you when I and... myself... toast. O00o0O0o0OO0oooo

Nimbus- Lickity Doosh!

Dread- Give me that duck!!!

I was just super zoomed in that all. Tab then Held F!

Grumpy- Well you'll have to convince the rest of the members.

Dread- Bon...

Grumpy- Why is the muzzle like, four feet away from the bunker?

Nimbus- Let's get a reservation at that new Indian restaurant via smoke signals

Dread- Butt-Sniffers...

Dread- Elena!!!!!!!!

Nimbus- Would you like to taste my veiner schnitzel?

Who are the other members? And I din't mean held f zoom I was on f8 zoom which is much closer!

Who are the other members? And I din't mean held f zoom I was on f8 zoom which is much closer!

You cannot shoot in F8 mode.

I say no.

Dread- Jim Carry as the Grinch- (Various Grunting sounds)

Dread- Jim Carry as the Grinch- (Various Grunting sounds)
