Author Topic: Almost Heaven, West Virgina...  (Read 2065 times)

Well it's that time again. Every year my family and grandparents take a trip to the good old country of West Virgina.... seriously, click on it.... I'll be gone by 10 AM tomorrow.

Anyway, my main reason for being here is to say two things:

A) Block Wars (once again) is in the hands of WRB852, and I give him full permission to continue filming what we have of the script without me. That should fill up a good 3 weeks, right? At the rate of our horrible progress it should.

B) If you can't handle things without me (trust me should be able to) then you might be able to contact me. Even though I don't have cable or internet connections down there, will be forced to watch the three channels we have: the news, soap operas, or game shows, or even worse... go outside... We will have the public library and a MacDonalds hotspot is near by that I can get some WiFi going on... and maybe a few extra pounds...

C) Good bye. (another John Denver pun) I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane. ... click it...

If you'd like, I'll catch on tape me getting mauled by a bear. Cause apparently they're down there now...