Author Topic: What TGE version does Blockland have?  (Read 3201 times)

What version is it?

I'm curious.

Because I saw Torque's products page and i saw awesome new(?) engines.

Specifically, TGEA.  :cookieMonster:

I think it uses TGE (not the advanced version) 1.4 but it may be 1.2 (confused).

TGEA has so many cool features (megaterrains ect.) I wish BL was made in TGEA.

I believe Blockland uses TGE 1.3 or 1.2.

Heavily-modified TGE 1.3 as far as I know.

Badspot said it was a heavily modified 1.3 with all the features of the newer updates and some that aren't in it yet.

I wonder what the future looks like for BL as far as updates go. I mean you can only do so much with the TGE, and the opportunities will always be there because there are other engines (TGEA, ETC) that can go above what 1.3 (Heavily modified or not) can do.

Who knows.

I like my blockomen bump mapped, normal mapped, UV mapped, textured, shaded, highlighted,  and the works!

I'd prefer TGEA. Badspot can earn alot from that. By just adding tons of new features

Features + Design + Capability + Game Overall Style = Public Popularity and Income

More AA and Glow please :cookieMonster:

Lol @ that. Why do you guys care so much about grafix? I'm gonna guess you guys all have ps3/360 and no wii?

Force AA using your graphics card. It isn't hard, a lot of people figured out how to do it.

Lol @ that. Why do you guys care so much about grafix? I'm gonna guess you guys all have ps3/360 and no wii?

I was kidding. But It would still be cool to see some of the each features available in TGEA to be in BL.

@Wedge - how2force AA for blockland?

Blockland with TGEA wouldn't be that great at all, the system requirements for it without adding any extra content to the default TGEA pack is pretty crazy. All of the TGEA things wouldn't suit Blockland like the water and Bloom, Bloom would just screw the way Blockland looks by making it to bright and not very Blocko like.

TGEA is not for Blockland.

Blockland with TGEA wouldn't be that great at all, the system requirements for it without adding any extra content to the default TGEA pack is pretty crazy. All of the TGEA things wouldn't suit Blockland like the water and Bloom, Bloom would just screw the way Blockland looks by making it to bright and not very Blocko like.

TGEA is not for Blockland.

Well. Its just your opinion Packer.  :cookieMonster: