
What Do Your Parents Think of Blockland?

They Encourage It!
11 (12.1%)
They Don't Really Care...
68 (74.7%)
They Hate It!
12 (13.2%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Author Topic: What Do Your Parents Think of Blockland?  (Read 8414 times)

Yeah, my parents Hate it, They think its jjust another thing that wastes my life away on the computer...

You know, not everyone here lives with their parents...

However, I do, and my parents don't care.

My father doesn't mind blockland.
My mother thinks if I play it, I'm going to be tracked down, tied up, tortured, then raped. :P

My father doesn't mind blockland.
My mother thinks if I play it, I'm going to be tracked down, tied up, tortured, then raped. :P
Don't all mothers? :P

My parents just think it's a friendly building game for kids.

They don't give a crap.

last time i mentioned it to mine hwas in 2005 :S :D OPofr[kg

My dad thinks its a really cool game, and that I should play it more then I play my violent fps (He plays sometimes and is actually pretty good :D)

My mom doesn't really care, but shes fine with it.

This game can be fps.

My parents just think it's a friendly building game for kids.
Same, but little do they know its filled with starfishs and is the most unfriendly game Ive played in awhile. Thats why I love it :)

I once left a trail and my parents found research in my Blockland folder so I told them it must have been downloaded from it :D  Then they bought me Retail :D

They wouldn't even know about it if it weren't for me relying on my dad to forward the damn ports.

My mom thinks that it is kewl.